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>> ALTRI TIPI DI SENSORI Hall nel settore 'Sensori' del nostro negozio <<

3 pezzi x


(=A44E= A3144= A3144E= OH3144E ) x Bici elettrica , Arduino , PIC

3 PCS x Hall EFFECT for Arduino, PIC, ARM

(Conta la sigla stampata sul chip: '44E' )

Il sensore effetto Hall 44E ( o A3144, A44E ecc) è adatto per applicazioni di commutazione senza contatto. Uscita : open collector NPN ON / OFF

Digital bipolar hall effect sensor TO-92 flat


1= Vs : 4,5-24V ( 28V MAX)

2= GND

3= Output ( open collector NPN , 28Vmax - 25mA max)

Il dispositivo include un generatore on-chip tensione di Hall per il rilevamento magnetico, un amplificatore che amplifica la tensione di Hall, un trigger di Schmitt per fornire isteresi di commutazione per il rumore , e un open-collector in uscita

The A3144 is a hall effect switch. It is a 3 pin device. When you are looking at the side with writing on it, which also has bevelled edges the pins are, from left to right, 1 (VCC), 2 (Ground) and 3 (Output).
This device has a built in voltage regulator and can run at voltages from 4.5V to 24V.
When a magnet comes sufficiently close the output goes low. To use connect the output pin 3 to VCC via a 10K or similar pull up resistor. If using with a Raspberry Pi, pull up to 3.3V.


■ Superior Temp. Stability for Automotive or Industrial Applications

■ 4.5 V to 24 V Operation … Needs Only An Unregulated Supply

■ Open-Collector 25 mA Output … Compatible with Digital Logic

■ Reverse Battery Protection

■ Activate with Small, Commercially Available Permanent Magnets

■ Solid-State Reliability

■ Small Size

■ Resistant to Physical Stress

Datasheet A3144 Allegromicro reference:


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