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Rumex Acutus - Anonymous (c.1800)

$ 217.93

Availability: in stock

Condition : Very good. General age-related toning. Please study image carefully.
Date : c.1800
Overall size : 28 x 46 cm.
Image size : 26 x 42 cm.

Description: Antique print titled ‘Rumex Acutus’. The Rumex Acutus (or Sharp-Pointed Dock) is a common plant like the Common Dock, but handsomer, and distinguished by its sharp-pointed leaves being narrower and longer. It grows about 3 feet high, having erect, round, striated stems and small greenish flowers, turning brown when ripe. The root has been used in drinks and decoctions for scurvy and as a general blood cleanser, and employed for outward application to cutaneous eruptions, in the form of an ointment, made by beating it up with lard. Original text page included. Source unknown, to be determined.

Artists and Engravers: Anonymous.