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Ceremonie de Mariage - Picart (1724)

$ 91.43

Availability: in stock

Condition : Good. General age-related toning. Please study image carefully.
Date : 1724
Overall size : 27.5 x 45.5 cm.
Image size : 21.5 x 33.5 cm.

Description: Antique print titled ‘Ceremonie de Mariage’ and ‘Benediction du Lit Nuptial’. This plate deals with a Marriage ceremony and a Nuptial benediction of catholics. This print originates from 'Naaukeurige beschryving der godtsdienst-plichten, kerk-zeden en gewoontens van alle volkeren der waereldt.', a Dutch edition or its French edition 'Ceremonies et coutumes Religieuses...' , by A. Moubach, 1727-1738 (French edition 1721-1725). An English edition called 'Ceremonies and religious Rites of the various nations of the known world....', appeared in 1733. It was the most elaborate history of world religion published up to that time. The plates in this work were adapted by B. Picart and others from various sources including de Bry.

Artists and Engravers: The author of this work is A. Moubach. The most important engraver of this work is Bernard Picart (1673-1733). He was a French painter and engraver. He received his art education from his father, Etienne (1632-1721), from Le Brun and Jouvenet at the Royal Academy. His talents developed rapidly: at the age of sixteen he gained honors at the Academy of Paris.He was born in Paris and died in Amsterdam. Other engravers worked on this work as well.