Chakra Healing with Tuning Forks

8 Unweighted Chakra Hz Tuning Forks in a heavy fabric pouch.

Chakra, the Sanskrit word for "wheel" or "disc",  has been applied to wellness and health for thousands of years across many cultures: the qi and meridians in Chinese culture, as well as the more well known ancient Indian and yoga traditions. Chakras, like vortexes, exist at seven points along the body, and each is associated with a different set of organs, systems, and centers of energy.  For a "healthy mind in a healthy body," for stress relief and wellness, use these tuning forks with your students in healing sessions, for meditation, and balancing your entire system.  Tuning forks assist in the process of unblocking, opening and balancing chakras.  
Brand new Tuning Forks, made with the best quality aluminum alloy.  Pouches vary -blue, red, green or designs.

Scientifically calibrated   
The  set includes are: 

194.18 Hz (Root – 1st)
210.42 Hz (Sacral – 2nd)
126.22 Hz (Solar Plexus – 3rd)
136.10 Hz (Heart – 4th)
141.27 Hz (Throat – 5th)
221.23 Hz (Third Eye – 6th)
172.06 Hz (Crown – 7th) 
272.2   Hz  (Soul- 8th)

The heavy fabric carrier folds and closes with a tie, for protection and convenience.
It has 8 pockets for the tuning forks.

The forks will be in plastic wrap  (not shown) and in the pouch.   
Packed with care

Pouch color varies. ($18 value, if purchased separately)

Free Shipping in the USA

This set is a great gift!