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Aloe Ferox Powder

'and the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations'

Aloes Ferox Powder. 60g, 120g or 500g. Our aloes ferox powder is comprised of the thickened dried juice of the leaves of some species of Aloe, especially those of Aloe ferox and hybrids. Aloe ferox (also known as cape aloe or bitter aloe) is renowned for its remarkable natural colon cleansing benefits. As an effective natural laxative and colon cleanser, it is probably the strongest of the colon stimulating herbs.  Aloes powder can be added to compresses and cold poultices to soothe

  • burns
  • scalds
  • and sunburnt skin
  • It can also be added to salves and creams for the skin where astringency is required.

The aloe juice has been shown to lower cholesterol and triglycerides while demonstrating anti-diabetic activity.

Always research your herbs thoroughly before using. Free Shipping. Discount refunded on 5+ mixed items purchased