1 Step Looper from Beadsmith - Create Eye Pins Easy & Instantly.

The incredible 1 Step Looper from Beadsmith, creates and trims eyes & loops in one easy and instant step!

This brilliant, Patent Protected tool, works with dead soft or half hard wire, making a consistent Eye, or Loop, each and every time.  

Whether you work with sterling silver wire, plated craft wire,  copper wire, and copper or brass core wires, the 1 Step Looper from Beadsmith, will form perfect Eyes & Loops in wire from 18g (1mm) to 24g (0.5mm) each and every time.

Its versatility doesn't stop there, The 1 Step Looper, also allows you to thread beads & crystals onto the wire before forming the Eye, thus creating drops for earrings etc in an instant. This means you can personally customise the length of your Eye Pins, plus you can also trim and bend wire, when needed.

The 1 Step Looper eye size is measured by the ID, or Inside Diameter of the eye, and comes in 1.5mm, 2.5mm, and 3.0mm models. Please refer to the drop-down menu for the size that works best for you.

Please note: The 1 Step Looper may be either packaged under the Beadsmith, or the Vintaj brand packaging.