Product Feature:

Do you suffer from interrupted sleep every night ?

Do you feel guilty that your snoring makes your spouse or roommate lying awake all night ?

Snoring and sleep apnea not only affects your quality of sleep but also greatly affects your quality of daily life.
This chin support strap will surely be a welcome relief to those who snore and their partners!

It provides you with a comfortable, effective and the easiest way to stop snoring or treat positional sleep apnea.
It helps you and your partner to have a better sleep every night and wake up feeling refreshed instead of fatigued
Unique design
One size fits all
Made of high quality durable elastic materials
Comfortable and easy to wear
Ideal for Non-specific snoring, Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), Jaw (TM Joint) dislocation and Jaw Tremor (Psychotic)