The Bucas Sweet-Itch Full Neck Fly Rug offers 99% UV protection, making it ideal for the summer months. It is made from a specially developed fabric that blocks entry from even the smallest of insects to offer relief to horses that suffer from summer eczema. Particular attention has been paid to the mane and tail areas ensuring that they are protected to prevent the itch–scratch cycle that is synonymous with Sweet Itch.

The design is a full body cover, with a neck that reaches to the ears covering the whole mane area. An elasticated, detachable belly flap covers from the elbow to the sheath, offering protection to the horse’s whole body.

Further features of this fantastic Sweet-Itch rug include a front T-bar fastening with Snap-lock closure, along with shoulder darts and leg straps. This Bucas Rug also has a fillet string and generous tail flap, plus an elasticated browband to keep the neck in place.

Why Zebra Print?
Research has discovered that flies hate the Zebra stripes as they find it confusing and so steer clear of them, compared to plain white rugs.Product Code: 3100000005701

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