Unopened, Sealed Plastic 'In Freedom's Cause' Audio Drama.

The Story Of Wallace And Bruce

Can one man's faith and vision inspire a group of farmers, shepherds, and merchants to defeat the mightiest military force on the planet?

William Wallace, by his undaunted courage and strength of character, forever changed the history of Scotland. His stand against oppression—despite overwhelming odds—inspired the heroic leader who would eventually gain Scotland's freedom, King Robert the Bruce.

The source of Wallace's fire was his faith in God. He loved the Psalms and meditated on them daily. At his execution, Wallace had his psalter placed before him so he could read the Psalms as King Edward's men tortured him.

This is the untold account of Wallace and "The Bruce"— a story that continues to stir our hearts 

even today. A story that teaches us that true freedom is worth fighting for.