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Rose Quartz Wand with single point

Stone of Love

Rose Quartz Wand with single point approximately 20 x 55mm point to base.

Rose Quartz is one of the most popular metaphysical stones. It is the stone of unconditional love. One of the most important stones for Heart Chakra work, Rose Quartz opens the heart to all types of love — love of self, love of family, love of friends, romantic love, love of the Spirit. This Rose Quartz Point helps you to point love in the right direction. A Rose Quartz Point is the perfect tool to direct loving energy into your own spirit. Just hold the point in your hand with the tip facing your body. Points emit a focused stream of energy in whatever direction you face them.The gentle vibes of Rose Quartz will nurture your heart with care, compassion, understanding and love. Not only do these properties open your heart up to give yourself and others more love, they also make you a magnet for receiving love. Use your Rose Quartz Point to set an intention for love. Simply write down an intention for love on a small piece of paper, and then fold the paper in half. While holding your Rose Quartz Point, state your intention aloud or in your head. Then place your Rose Quartz Point on top of the piece of paper. This will be a visual and energetic reminder of your intention for love.

Please be aware we also sell clear quartz double terminated points as well.

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