For All Salon Owners: Our Best Selling Salon Extreme-21 Manual Can Change Everything In Your Salon - Tested - Proven - Super-Effective!

The Salon Extreme-21 EFFECT (SX 21) Can, Has and Does Change Everything In Yours or Any Salon.

A Proven Salon Strategies To Get Your Staff Out of The Back, Get Their Columns Packed With Clients, Be The No.1 Salon And Be The Highest-Demand Salon In Your Town!

It's easier Than You think. Clients, money and more ... You really can have everything you want from your salon and more.

  • Learn How Easy It Is To Pack Out Your Salon In Hours Using A Mobile Phone
  • Discover Systems Designed To Put Your Salon and Keep Your Salon At No.1
  • Avoid Cash Sucking Hope and Pray Marketing That The Industry Wants You To Use (There’s a reason why)
  • Put our Time Tested Strategies To Work For You In Your Salon and Then Watch The Results Pour In
  • Step-By-Step Salon Marketing Anyone Can Do
  • Very Easy To Follow Salon Marketing Systems
  • Copy & Paste Tons of Proven Ideas
  • Everything You Read Is Salon Tested
  • Proven To Deliver up to New Clients* From a Single Strategy
  • Includes Cutting-Edge Online Marketing
  • Skype, Periscope, Selfies, Tagging, Social Media, Facebook, YouTube and more
  • Probably The Greatest Salon Marketing 'HOW TO' Guide Ever Created!
  • Up to 400 Pages of 'How To' Build Your Salon Empire
  • 100% Zero-Risk Guarantee
  • *Results may vary!

First are you qualified to read this letter and do you actually need to read it?

If you answer YES to the following you should read every word.

  • YES/NO: When you arrive at your salon is your appointment book filled with gaps?
  • YES/NO: Is it a rare event when a new client comes into your salon?
  • YES/NO: Are you doing most of the work in your salon whilst staff scrolls through their iPhones liking and sharing nothing in particular?
  • YES/NO: Are you finding that at certain times of the day like the first appointment and the last appointment are always no-shows?
  • YES/NO: Do you fail on interviewing new stylist because you are desperate so you let them start and hope they will be good enough?
  • YES/NO: Are you stylists doing what feels like just half of what they could do each day while your slaving away?
  • YES/NO: Do you keep ordering more salon stock despite the fact that it’s almost impossible to sell?
  • YES/NO: You want a new stylist but you don’t think you can afford to pay one?
  • YES/NO: Would you love the ability to generate as many as 400 new clients in a single week
  • YES/NO: Do you like the idea of your salon marketing costing you nothing?

If you replied YES to most of the above you are definitely qualified to read about something that is tested and proven in hundreds of salons worldwide and has been created by a salon owner of 20 years and salon expert of 31-years!

Dear Salon Owner/manager.

Alan Forrest Smith here.

Since 1999 I have been writing to salon owners like yourself about easy-to-fix salon issues and yet I am still seeing the same mistakes that are costing salon owners a fortune time and time again.

Your salon probably looks amazing, incredible and better than ever. Salon stock and equipment has never been so brilliantly good. Computing systems are state-of-the-art and yes expert training has never been so openly available and easy-to-use.

Yet over the years I have warned salon owners like you time and time again this.

  • If you don’t have new clients coming into your salon day after day, week after week and month after month your salon at some point will die.
  • If you fail to create a simple and easy to use marketing system that   can be done from your iPad or iPhone your business will die.
  • If you fail to really understand the simple tracks and techniques that are proven to get your salon packed – at some point your salon could die.

It’s as simple as this.

You have to have more money coming in than is going out and if that’s not happening right now you are going to be in trouble.

Googling Help For Your Salon Is No longer Good Enough – Here’s Why!

The Internet has created misinformation overload and confusion for salon owners. New this, new that, new social media it was all the rage, now apps and just about any other ‘new’ thing that arrives simply create even more confusion (and lost clients).

Then there are all the NEW experts out there. At one time an expert was a respected time-tested expert that had strong proof and acclaim behind him or her. These days most experts are simply out for your cash, would hate you to make it successful too fast because if they do you won’t be paying them their monthly fee. And even worse – they have very limited experience of what you actually need as a salon owner.

And of course the salon industry gives advice on business that is usually designed to increase sales of their product first and foremost. In real business on the floor where all the hard knocks take place - just don’t work because they just haven’t been where we have been in the thick of real salon life.

Salon Life DOES CHANGE for those that have felt the power of the - SX-21 EFFECT

And I’ll tell you why.

Here is the true story of SX-21 EFFECT and my salon business and life.

I actually accidently fell into my hairdressing life the day I cut my pals hair like Jonny Rotten from the Sex Pistols. It was 1978. He wanted a haircut I grabbed some old scissor and did what needed to be done. His mother freaked out and I had to jump from the bedroom window as she was hitting me across the back of my head.

I progressed from there with no formal training to cutting my mothers and all of her pal’s hair at the hospital where she worked. There were a few disasters I can tell you that.

When I left school I didn’t do hairdressing I started my work life as a landscape gardener but continued my hairdressing adventures on anyone willing to be a victim at the time.

Then at the age of 19/20 years my mother insisted I train as a hairdresser after I was fired from my job. I didn’t want to do it, study isn’t my thing.

After just 12-months I had almost completed two years of work at college in Manchester. After 18-months in college I left and got a stylists job in a salon. It’s incredible that people actually liked my work because looking back it really wasn’t that great at the time. Especially the first perm I did in a salon where one side failed to neutralize. That left one side dead straight and one side dead curly. Her husband almost murdered me.

Five salons and jobs later I had been fired from all of them for being – over creative – clearly the wrong places for me. Clearly I had to get my own salon. I really wanted to be like Anthony Mascalo who was producing the best step-by-step books with detailed photos I had ever seen. He was just a teenager then but breaking new ground. That’s what I wanted to do also.

In 1989 the inevitable happened. I got offered a small unit for a salon of just 250 sq. ft. So I sold my car to pay for the fitting and in May 1989 I was finally a salon owner.

I Quickly Discovered Good Hairdressing Isn’t Enough To Pack Out a Salon

I thought because I was a great hairdresser that would be enough to create a busy salon. It wasn't and that created huge problems for me. By the end of 1989 we were struggling big time until someone suggested I have a flyer made. So I did. I had a flyer made and then spent a week posting them through every home in the village of 3,500 people where the salon was.

Not only did it work it was the start of an obsession with marketing and writing that eventually would become my career.

By 1991 my small 250 sq. salon had become so busy I had to move into a new place. This new salon was 2000 sq. ft. It was massive in comparison to my previous 2 stylist salon. Now I had 12 staff that had to be kept busy. Apart from the staff I now had huge loans to pay back so the salon was starting in the red!

After around 6-months the small time salon marketing with flyers wasn't really working in a town with over 35 salons - some of these salons had been there for over 30-years and were really well established - so I had to ramp up somehow my salon management and salon marketing.

By 1992 I did something most hadn't done in hairdressing and that was to buy a computer. I could see the power of them but honestly I didn't have a clue how to use it so I put it away after one attempt into the bottom of my cupboard at home and that computer never saw the light of day again until 5-years later when I found it by chance.

Anyway I decided to copy big businesses and just do what they were doing. There was no web at the time so it was all offline. We used, phone, reception, flyers (1000 everyday), piggy-back marketing, alliance marketing, venture marketing, radio marketing, panel marketing on public transport, huge billboards and more.

Within anther 18-months not only were we the busiest salon for miles we were the best – no question!

Here’s just a few results from what I did for over 20-years!

  • Fully booked with paying clients
  • Had a waiting list for clients
  • Had a pricing that was 3 times higher than any other salon for 100 miles (including city center)
  • Had our Christmas periods booked up 12-months in advance
  • Had a system for recovering any lost clients
  • New stylists all fully booked 6-weeks before they started at my salons
  • Huge list of top stylists wanting to work for me
  • New client rate as high as 55% if I wanted
  • Created a system so if stylist left the effect on my salon was as good as zero!
  • And so much more.

It was amazing I have to say I loved it.

Eventually, my back got so bad I sold my salons to focus on marketing, consulting and building salons business just like yours from my other business at and this one

When I sold my salons looking back on those years I would have given anything for what I had learnt by the end of my salon ownership. Yet is still gave me a huge self-built home, new BMWS,3-4 holidays every year and the freedom to get-off the shop floor and collect my young kids from school. I eventually came off the shop floor and managed my salons.

Both of my websites today have taken me all over the world speaking and presenting as an expert at filling salons and businesses with paying customers. Russia, Latvia, Australia, Singapore, USA, Hong Kong, Asia and many many more places over the years.

I've even spent days consulting with some of the biggest TV hairdressers in the world, some of the UKs biggest salons and I was behind the recent success of Scotland’s No.1 voted salon.

The incredible EFFECT of my SX-21 systems has literally changed almost everything about my life and business and the lives and businesses and salons of people just like yourself!

The SX-21 EFFECT Can Change Your Salon Forever and IS Proven To change Salon Business Time and Time Again

  1. The ability to increase your salon takings, clients and very fast (a months clients in a day – PROVEN!)
  2. The freedom to live a life free from the restrictions of working endless hours on the salon floor
  3. The ability to take control of your own life whilst managing your salon effectively

And YES I know and understand life isn’t just about cash – you know that - yet without clients and cash coming through your salon - it’s almost impossible to enjoy life to the full.

The SX-21 EFFECT gives you the ability to enjoy life and create cash and clients in your salon to allow you to enjoy being a salon owner to the full!

I get it, I understand the struggle salon owners like yourself are going through. I have been there and done it. The only difference is I had to spend a fortune solving, repairing and fixing my hairdressing salon problems where as you now can learn from someone that has done it all and made the mistake and solved them before you. Don’t worry you really are not alone.

Would you like to make transformational salon business changes? I know you will have said yes after all who doesn’t in the world of hairdressing!

 So would you like to create your own personal SX-21 EFFECT in the next couple of months or even weeks (or even faster – it’s up to you)?

FIRST: Avoid The 10 Traps That Will Cost Salon Owners Like You Dearly If You Don’t Act This Year

  1. SAME OLD SAME OLD: Doing the same old thing like you have done year after year after year!
  2. IGNORE IGNORE: Burying your head in the sand and just hoping your salon will be ok – it won’t be
  3. PANIC PANIC: Panicking into trying and hoping in more schemes from spuedo experts or reps
  4. IT’S FINE IT’S FINE: Believing that everything will work out fine because – it always does (it usually doesn’t as you know)!
  5. HOPE HOPE: Having hope but hope really doesn’t pay your salon bills or stop bankers stealing savings!
  6. TRUST TRUST: Trusting that someone else will put everything right for you when you know it’s you that has to take some action
  7. I’VE WON I’VE WON: Playing the lottery because you have a good chance – you don’t and the real chance is you won’t win the lottery every but – you can still try – this won’t save your salon!
  8. SAFE SAFE: Your hoping the banking system will be overhauled with better overdraft facility and you’ll be safe – that’s highly unlikely but if it does happen it’ll be a long way off and maybe too late for your salon!
  9. IT’S FIXED IT’S FIXED: The government will fix everything that’s why you voted for them. Do you really think the government will give your salon business a moment thought?
  10. PRAY PRAY AND PRAY SOME MORE: Praying to God or asking the Universe for help – really do you think that will protect you – Lets stay realistic here – this is the salon business – it needs a salon head to solve real salon problems!

How The SX-21 EFFECT Could Save Your Salon From The Next Salon Disaster – Easy Marketing – Easy Systems – Just Copy & Paste For The SX-21 EFFECT

If you want and need salon changes, if you feel the overwhelming need for a new direction if you are wanting to take your life, your time and your salon efforts a more prosperous way… the SX-21 EFFECT promises to …

  • You have full control of your salon, clients, turnover, retails sales and more (would you like that?)
  • You work as often or as little as you like in your salon (how does cutting your hours by HALF to start with sound?)
  • You earn as much as you can earn (THE SX-21EFFECT gives you the power to create real salon wealth yourself rather than waiting for something to happen)
  • Your life and your salon becomes exciting, new and fresh with more clients that you could ever believe
  • You live and enjoy your life NOW you no longer have to wait until you retire for a holiday or to do something incredible – that can happen right now with the SX-21 EFFECT!
  • You are no longer a slave to what stylists will or won’t do (you control everything)
  • You are no longer part of what everyone and everything is doing in the hair salon business (and you no longer get the results they get)

A True Story – Caroline, Her Salon and The Mind-Blowing Results From the SX-21 EFFECT

One day I got a call from a salon owner in Scotland named Caroline Sanderson. Her salon after 8 years was on the brink of total collapse. She wanted out and needed advice to get out and make money on the way out.

Eventually I agreed to fly up to Scotland to go over everything she was up to. The reality was it was a real salon disaster. She had lost all hope, all of her staff had again walked out. She had no top people, no salon starts, zero marketing and was taking no money at that point. The taxman wanted her closed due to unpaid debt.

Thankfully after reviewing everything over a week I put into place exactly what she had to do. Caroline applied everything I told her to do and di it really well.

The list of what I did for her salon was endless but here is a rough idea.

  • Showed her how to get top-flight stylists
  • Showed her how to price her service properly
  • How to control her staff and be fair with them
  • How to fill every column from morning until night
  • How to make sure any new staff would be fully booked before they arrive in her salon
  • How to make sure no salon time would be lost by staff booking in fake appointment
  • How to get cheap advertising
  • How to use the web to get clients
  • How to create effective salon marketing campaigns
  • How t use things like Facebook and other medias for maximum effect
  • How to track and measure everything for the best salon results
  • How to build a strong business that would become her towns No.1 salon so she could sell eventually
  • How to sell more services, colour, retail and more
  • And so much more.

She wrote this thank you email to me.

"Alan has genius ideas that were so inspiring I didn’t take much time to get excited and start putting them into action"

I can hardly believe the change in not only my business but in ME. Alan’s strategies and advice with guidance and fun along the way took my business to a 116% rise in one year. It would have been more but I had to make HUGE decisions along the way to create the salon of my dreams which meant having the confidence to make changes and get the people out who I knew deep down were not right for me and my business in the long term. I don’t know how long it would have taken me to make these changes without Alan’s support. With Alan’s support I made the changes and overall growth of 116% in my salon.

I have taken what Alan has taught me with my own skills and knowledge and have not only taken my business to near full capacity but he have given me a better understanding of business and I am just about to launch 2-big projects out with the salon. I now have the confidence and knowledge to push my career forward and create the work life I wanted.

He has genius ideas that were so inspiring I didn’t take much time to get excited and start putting them into action. Anyone thinking of working with Alan I would say go for it. There’s absolutely no question It will change your life like it did mine.

Since working with Alan my life and salon have been transformed!

Her results speak for themselves …

  • I have 12 weeks Holiday Each Year
  • I work ONE Day a Week On The Salon Floor
  • Bought a new New Car
  • New Client Rate Up To 32%
  • Has: Rebooking from 15% to 180%
  • New Staff Applications Through The Roof
  • From Salon Zero To Number One in my City
  • Marketing Budget Reduced To Almost Zero
  • Ability To Fill Her Salon in Less Than An Hour
  • Number one Facebook Salon in her city
  • Mastered Facebook for Client Management
  • New Website On Page One of Google • Existing Stylists All Packed Out Everyday
  • Salon Services UP 105%
  • Salon Retail Sales UP 72%
  • Salon Expansion Despite High-Street Closures – Despite Client Rates Falling

Thank you Alan

Caroline Sanderson, Ego Hair Inverness


Caroline was so impressed by what I taught her she even went on to teach salons what I did and how I did it. Well done to Caroline yet it shows and reveals the powerful effect of SX-21 salon marketing.

YOUR Salon, Your Life & YOUR FUTURE Can It Become More Secure

Can you imagine your salon being very different to how it is right now? I can’t hear your reply but I can imagine your response. YES, YES, YES!

What do you do each day right now in your salon to market your business? Maybe nothing for the reason you are just not sure what to do? Maybe you have already tried a lot of things from salon reps and others with no results?

Do you wake up, get ready for the salon, leave your house early, drive through endless traffic or sit on a tube amongst hundreds of other people on their way to a job they hate going to? Then you do a full day that feels like it never ends because you are the only one in the salon doing anything while you pay your staff to drink coffee while they Facebook or snapchat all day long.

At the end of your salon day you head for home, tired and worn out. The only thing you really want to do is get in, get showered, eat and sit on the sofa in front of your TV until you are almost so tired you can hardly move from your sofa to your bed.

Then of course … the next day is a slightly different variation of the day before (maybe a different sandwich at lunchtime). It’s an endless repeat of the same old stuff, day in, day out, month in, month out until it all comes to an end. I know that’s not what you want; it’s not what anyone really wants when they are a salon owner.

And of course the bigger problem is – you really don’t have control of what is coming next and that’s the scary part. Losing your salon, losing staff or no clients at all or even losing your life-savings – could happen and has happened, as you know.

Yet here is what interesting … salon owners touched by the SX-21 EFFECT have experienced gigantic changes in their salons – their position – their finances – their lifestyles … THAT’S A FACT!

SX-21 Does Change Salon Life – It Can Transform Your Salon

Can you see yourself living a different life, having all the holidays, the toys, the cars and everything else need to create a life that you’ll be excited to wake up for? My salon did that for me – yours can do that for you.

  • Imagine NO salon debt… Debt wiped out in days not years!
  • Image NO empty salon bank account... No more palpitations at the cash machine.
  • Imagine owning the car of your dreams (or boat or motorbike)
  • Imagine NO longer being a slave to your staffs demands and whims and under the rules and regulations of another person that hates their job so they make you hate your job each day!

There’s no question – you CAN have almost anything you want from your salon but the reality is it takes a new way of doing things?

Are you looking for changes and willing to do something slightly different to what you usually do or are you simply going to allow your life to be part of the story that the masses of hairdressing salon owners out there are just sitting back and accepting?

That’s your choice of course but looking at the way this world is now – they don’t care for you – so it feels it’s up to yourself to make changes and take control.

What You Need To Do Right Now For Your Salon To Change!

  • First you need new source of reliable, tested and easy-to-follow information that is proven to build your salon business – proven over years and tested in the industry!
  • Second you need to think about what you have discovered in that information that you can apply and make work right away
  • Third you simply have to take some action on what you have learnt (and if you don’t want to take action or make changes this isn’t for you – good luck with what is coming)

To really make lasting changes in your salon, make more money at the counter, and create a better salon business overall and future you need to create a couple of new habits.

That’s easier than you might be thinking – Here’s how you reclaim stolen time to build your salon.

TV BRAINS ARE DEAD BRAINS: Did you know the average person watches around 33 hours of TV each WEEK! Yes I said WEEKLY. That means most people divide their lives into three parts.

  • Part one is a job and work time (the place and time most people hate to spend)
  • Part two is TV (the place and time no owe can even remember what they watched)
  • Part three is sleeping (the place where no one even remembers their dreams)

If you are not sure how you divide your time sit down and write it down – what you discover how your life is lived out might just shock you.

And what’s left for YOU? Not a lot is left just enough time to fit in small bits in between and most of those bits are doing chores around the house or running the kids around right?

The good news is it really doesn’t have to be like that – it’s a simple choice.

  • DO THIS: You either do what you’re told to do and carry on with no hope of change.
  • DO THAT: You can take the initiative and make changes for yourself through new habits. THAT IS what will build a powerful and strong salon business for you!

Please don’t say you don’t have time to make things happen in your salon. Time is the same for everyone. No one gets more and no one gets less. You’ll live the average life or longer if lucky so its how you fill the bit between birth and death that makes the difference.

  • Life can change
  • Your salon can completely change
  • Those salons touched by the SX-21 EFFECT have all experienced hard-to-believe changes in their hair salon business and their lives – you can to!

Let me remind you about the person behind the SX-21 EFFECT(SALON EXTREME 21)

  • I was a hairdresser and salon owner for 20-years plus!
  • I struggled like crazy with my salons until I discovered and created my SX-21 system
  • At more than one stage I almost lost everything in my salons through debt and a lack of clients
  • My staff was better paid and working less hours than I was until SX-21

I eventually ended up with three salons. All were No.1 position in the town. All charge 3-times more than any salon. All had long waiting lists. All were packed from morning until night.

And I managed to create a life that most of us would die for.

How About I Do This For You Today (and you do it for you also)

I am willing to send to you everything I know, everything I did, everything I have used in other salons including Caroline’s salon above in a single package now named SX-21(You will quickly see what I am talking about or simply ask for your money-back)

In this huge desktop manual you can see for yourself the huge results and ripples created by the SX-21 EFFECT.

If you need more clients and want them fast, if you need your phone to get blown off the hook and want that now, if you need your stylists to have more clients so you can do less, if you need color sales up, more time for yourself and a salon that hits the No.1 slot in your town AND you want to do this and more in the fastest, quickest, shortest possible time - SALON EXTREME 21 is perfect for you!

The detail in SALON EXTREME 21 PROVES this is this greatest 'how to" salon marketing manual created– It's proven, its salon tested it really does work!

When I decided to create SALON EXTREME 21 fast-track marketing I knew it would produce extreme results in any salon– fast – in 21-days fast because I have been doing just that for just over 30-yrs now for my clients all over the world for decades now.

Salon Extreme 21 can take a dead as a dormouse salon and fill it to bursting in less than half a day! I should know I've done it and seen it time and time again!

SALON EXTREME 21 will feel and can be tough but the rewards for you as a salon owner are just huge. More clients, more money and more time for you.

It’s extreme but worth it. And believe me this is the most EXTREME SALON training manual ever put together.

What do salon extreme 21 results look like?

  • A quiet day filled within 60 minutes
  • A new stylist packed 4 weeks before they even start
  • Over 300 new clients per stylist in just 21-days
  • Phone endlessly ringing
  • Marketing systems in place
  • Salon income up
  • New clients up
  • Everything up up up

FORGET EVERYTHING you know about salon marketing or have been told or have read about salon marketing. This isn’t about a bore-me-to-death Facebook program or Google ads or SEO that makes not a scrap of difference to your salon. This is EXTREME – SALON EXTREME 21. A program designed and tested to pack your salon faster than fast!

There are only two ways to build or increase your salon business.

SALON BUSINESS 1: Try it yourself and learn the really hard way. Can cost a fortune doing this. Can cause great hardship and pain. Can cost you years in time. Causes most salon to fail within the first two years or less after opening.

SALON BUSINESS 2: Copy someone that has already been there before you, made all of the common mistakes before you and had all of the disasters before you. YOU simply copy what has worked for them... DEAD SIMPLE!

So I’ve taken over 30-Years of everything I have learnt about the salon business on the front-lines, the shop-floor and working with salon owners just like you.

This isn’t about new marketing and the latest fad and this isn’t about old marketing that is slow. SALON EXTREME 21 is about what will work for you right now, today and works extremely fast.

So what I have done is create something EXTREME because to get an EXTREME results takes over-the-top and extreme actions. And guess what… surely doing something like this for just 21-days only isn’t going to kill you. That still leaves you with 344 days in the rest of the year where you can benefit from the amazing results of SALON EXTREME 21 faster than fast-track marketing system!

 If it wasn’t EXTREME you wouldn’t be able to get such intense and high-powered results in your salon! Do something different – go SALON EXTREME 21!

One test with SALON EXTREME 21 brought in one salon owner over 404 new clients from a single promotion! The results you will see really will speak for themselves.

It's Easy - Its Simple - It's Like Copy & Paste - It's Salon Tested!

The details of what you will get delivered to your salon after order are all below.

Just so you know

This IS NOT DIGITAL and here is why.

I found after doing this for decades the problem with digital is that unless your have your computer in front of you or your iPad - the manual just doesn't get read. Salon Extreme 21 is all about results. If you don't read, copy and apply there will be no results.

SX-21 Is A Large Desktop Manual That Works With You, Is Easy-To-Follow and Can Be Read and Applied in Small Chunks

400 Plus Page Hard Manual That Sits On Your Desk In Your Salon.

  • A4 in size
  • 21st Century thinking and strategies
  • Up-To-The-Minute web marketing
  • Nothing is untested
  • Delivered first class in a box to your salon

Here’s some of what you get in salon extreme 21

Everything you need to pack out your salon the SALON EXTREME 21 way is in the 300 page desktop manual.

  • 400 plus Page Desktop Manual
  • 38,000 words on salon marketing
  • Dozens of easy-to-copy examples
  • Worksheets
  • FREE manual Updates (online)
  • Page 22. Understanding real salon marketing
  • Page 31. Getting your stylist busy with simple planning
  • Page 37. How to know what a client is really worth
  • Page 48. How to create the perfect salon team
  • Page 52. How to know what you want to create for your life from your salon
  • Page 55. How to interview a new team
  • Page 59. How to educate your new staff quickly
  • Page 67. How to be sure your stylists understand the SALON EXTREME 21 program
  • Page 72. How to do a SALON EXTREME 21 consultation
  • Page 82. How to make sure your stylist starts prepared and informed on day one!
  • Page 90. How to create SALON EXTREME 21 RESULTS GOALS
  • Page 97. What kind of salon marketing works best?
  • Page 98. how to get dirt cheap advertising rates!
  • Page 100. Should you use Facebook for marketing?
  • Page 106. How to increase your salon takings four-fold
  • Page 116. Classifieds adverts how to grab clients from them
  • Page 136. How to create a flood of clients in minutes!
  • Page 144. How to ramp up sales using a business card
  • Page 154. The secret of getting referrals
  • Page 159. How to fill your salon using SMS/text
  • Page 166. How to really use social media for SALON EXTREME 21 results
  • Page 170. How to get any new stylist started the SALON EXTREME 21 way
  • Page 183. 3-Magic words your stylist must use every day
  • Page 190. How to pack out any new column 4-weeks before a new stylist starts!
  • Page 203 How to use TAGME EX21 for mass of clients

I have NO-PLANS to go digital with this manual because tests show me it simply would be a waste of your money in digital.

And of course you are covered by our 30-day money-back guarantee. All we ask is if you make sure you try everything in the manual.


Don't forget everything in the manual is tried and tested in many salons over many years. It isn't just offline print but online everything that is covered. I doubt you'll find anything at this level within the salon industry so give it a try and see what happens.

You'll Find NOTHING Remotely Like What's IN SALON EXTREME 21 ... Guaranteed!

THE SX-21 EFFECT Will Solve Your salon Problems: Remember this has been put together by a salon expert for salon owners. I understand what you are going through right now!

  • One salon owner reported a return of 93% of missing clients using SALON EXTREME 21
  • Another salon owner managed to get off the salon floor for ever using what he read
  • Another salon owner is now opening her 3rd salon after mastering what is inside SALON EXTREME 21
  • One salon owners campaign brought him in just under $7,000 from one test campaign. His manual only cost him £195 ($297 in dollars). Do you think it was worth his investment?

SALON EXTREME 21 is about you, your salon and your numbers. Created by an expert that has been there already and solved almost any marketing problem you might have. But this time SALON EXTREME 21 is designed to get you a years worth of clients in just 21-days!


FREE GIFT: Salon Reception Profits


I want to assure you there is NO-RISK. If you order and try out all of my tested and proven salon marketing strategies, tips, advice, guidance and then you feel it hasn’t worked out. Send back the manual and ask for a refund.


Within reason you can call us or email us after you get your manual for some advice if needed.


 Finally I Want You To Know

YOU AS A SALON OWNER: Can easily get off the shop floor, relax and watch your appointment book burst with new business (getting off the salon floor might feel impossible, right. Not now I promise with SALON EXTREME 21)

YOU AS A SALON OWNER: Can watch and support your stylists and team take all the cash for YOUR salon and your wages, their wages and new profits for some more of life luxuries for yourself like new cars, holiday and time with your family

YOU AS A SALON OWNER: Can be amazed as you watch your new client database literally erupt like a tub of bleach left overnight (one salon owner went from 400 new using SALON EXTREME 21!)

YOU AS A SALON OWNER: Can be taken by the hand and be blown-over as you see your hair salon business hit new levels and break old targets week, after week, after week (one salon owner has reported to me during numerous supporting phone calls that she had to buy the shop next door to accommodate new business. Her salon income tripled over a 3-4 month period!).

YOU AS A SALON OWNER: Can kick-start the cheapest yet highest returning salon marketing program you’ll ever see in your life. SALON EXTREME 21 WILL give you the most powerful ways to build your salon in just 21 days!

There is NOTHING like SALON EXTREME 21 out there for you right now! Grab your copy before the salon down the road grabs theirs. This manual will have you towering over any other salon competition.

  • NO experience is needed to copy this manual
  • NO experience is required to take your salon to a higher level
  • NO experience in marketing is needed to make what you read in our manual work for you.

It's so easy even your child could probably do it for you.

Finally, I understand.

There were so many times I wanted to clear out my salons and just walk away. I had all the trials and tribulations you might be going through eight now. Once I discovered what to do to pack out my salons everything changed and changed fast!

My salons gave me everything I needed at the time. Houses, cars, holidays and peace of mind. It worked and it worked on a huge scale for me.

What I have created for you does work, has been salon tested time and time again and is proven to fix salons like yours fast.

If you’d like to experience the SX-21 EFFECT for yourself I will box up the manual for you right now.

Once you get SX-21 in your hands make some time by promising yourself you’ll read it in part or full right away, maybe one small chapter per evening. Take notes and try some of the things you discover because the reality of today shows...

  • The world is changing and in fact – has changed – Your salon has to change with it
  • The way salons work has changed beyond recognition – now is your time to change and grow through the changes
  • The way we do business in salons has also changed
  • As you know nothing is set-in-stone like it used to be

Hundreds have already been motivated into change and are now creating new lives.

  • How about YOU?
  • How about YOUR SALON?
  • How about the way you think and act on a daily basis?

Can You Afford To Miss Out On A Salon-Changing Opportunity Like This?


And if for ANY REASON after you have read and tried SX-21 anything you discover and feel they weren’t value for money – simply send it back and ask for a refund. It won’t be a problem, there’ll be no questions, just send and I will refund you 100%.

This is …

  • NOT about really complicated marketing like most salons attempt
  • NOT about setting up new marketing that takes weeks and months to expertly set up
  • NOT about huge investments or huge spends – a one-off payment 
  • NOT about-complicated learning or studying – read and apply new strategies from SX-21 at your leisure

This is the SX-21 EFFECT and as you are about to discover it’s probably nothing like you’ve seen or heard about before.

You Must Order Today To Benefit From The Time Limited FREE Gift

Here are a few frequently asked questions.

What Is This?

It’s over 400 page marketing blueprint for salons that has been tested endlessly in real salons just like yours.

Is There Any Risk?

NO how can there be? If you order the manual and read it and disagree with what I have said in this letter simply send them back in re-sellable condition and I will refund you without question. The information you see does change lives there is no question and honestly, I doubt if you’ll even think about a refund but it’s there if you need it so the risk is NONE!

Do I need To have Done Marketing Before?

No. SX-21 is written in an easy-to-read and understand way that makes salon building easier than ever!

Expensive For a book?

Grace pulled in 404 new clients from a single campaign. Her average bill was over £100. Do the math and ask again is it worth your investment?

How Long Is Delivery?

As soon as your order comes through our duplication guys pack and mail the order. 7 working days is standard delivery time within UK.

If I Want To Send Them Back what do I Do?

Just send them back to the mailing address in perfect condition and as soon as they arrive your refund will be done right away.

What Is The Authors Background?

Twenty years a salon owner. A hairdresser since 1982. A marketing consultant to experts since 2003. A published and recognized author.

Is This a System?

Yes and no. It is many systems supported by easy to follow guidelines. Each system is designed to increase salons sales and clients.

Can I get a Digital Version?

No this is designed to be a desktop workbook.

The Moment – The SX-21 EFFECT– And YOU

Every now and then a moment arrives or comes along that changes everything. You saw that with Mark. You saw that with those that also had their moment and change. The SX-21 EFFECT can change everything for YOU if that’s what you want or need in your life right now.


  • The SX-21 EFFECT has created huge incomes
  • The SX-21 EFFECT has created new lives
  • The SX-21 EFFECT has eradicated personal debts
  • The SX-21 EFFECT has paid for luxury holidays
  • The SX-21 EFFECT has created huge savings
  • The SX-21 EFFECT has given independence

They are simple facts, not exaggerations!


Hi Alan

The way I see it as we begin our journey through 2016 is it's going to be an even tougher challenge being a salon owner, manager, beauty therapist or stylist and its definitely going to be even more of a challenge as we approach 2017. 

The fact is our clients are bombarded with so much confusing information and marketing which quite often makes us feel misled or treats us like we are total idiots!

So its no surprise that we are becoming meticulous where we spend our hard earned cash… It's one of the reasons that reviews have become so popular because people are becoming more and more careful when they choose anything from a hairdressing salon to where they should buy their food!

I see so much junk and rehashed and untested garbage that salon owners have been told to use in the salons that simply makes me feel despair because I know is just not going to work.

So I was really excited when I received my copy of 21 Salon Extreme to see a work manual that would guide you the salon owners, managers, beauty therapists and anyone looking for a clear uncluttered powerful step-by-step direction to not only market your salon but to create a complete dynamic system that can be implemented instantly into your business - even when you have SO much other stuff to do! and is up-to-date and READY for 2016/2017 and beyond!!

I love the fact that it's something I can hold and make notes in, work with and have explanations that really makes you think and understand why and where the concept has come from for each part of the manual. It’s the first time I have seen a combination of multilevel marketing where your guided through everything from Facebook, social media, SMS text, email, direct mail, in salon promotions, how to use your website and the internet to templates for posters and flyers and everything you could imagine you will need to market your salon. It even shows you how to test and measure everything you put in place to help you build your salon business.

Just as a personal note from me “Alan,I know you have put your heart and soul into this manual and that it comes from someone who understands what its like to have your home on the line and the bank manager breathing down your neck and what its like to have failure and success and what that feels like -  and we both know that it simply works… So I would like to personally thank you from our industry for creating a tool that if used correctly will help build any salon business, reduce a little bit of stress and make our industry great! <3”


Best Regards

Steve - Hair & Beauty Salon

SO Magazine

Just imagine what SALON EXTREME - SX-21 can do for you and your salon?

Remember when you order you have absolutely no-risk at all and are covered by my promise of a 100% refund guarantee.

Order today and delivery is within 3-5 days.

You’ll be sent SX-21 securely packed and posted to your home address.

You’ll read things in the manual that will amaze you. You’ll see numbers and proofs talked about that will want you asking for more. You’ll be offered a way to think to act and to see your world differently and that means seeing beyond losing jobs, limited incomes and banking and any other scandals around these days.

What you will see is a new possibility of you being able to create a new life while controlling your salon at the same time.

I’m excited for you; I think you’ll be feeling the same right now.

SX-21 – SALON EXTREME 21 can change everything for you. But of course that is your choice. I hope you say yes please send me a copy right now.

Click on the order now link right now and we will do the rest for you.

To your salon success

Alan Forrest Smith and Team Salon Punk