Wellspring. A Book Of Spiritual Exercises by Anthony de Mello

Paperback is in acceptable condition, worn cover and spine edges and corners, marks and creases on the cover, spine creases and cuts, tight binding, clean text, please see photos

Published by Editorial Sal Terrae, Spain, 285 pp

UPC: 8429306943


El libro (dirigido a toda clase de personas, con independencia de su afiliación espiritual: religiosas, a-religiosas, agnósticas, ateas...) está ideado, en palabras del propio autor, "para hacer pasar... del sentido, la fantasía y el sentimiento, al Silencio. Ha de usarse, por tanto, como si fuera una escalera para acceder a la azotea. Una vez en ésta, debe uno cerciorarse de haber dejado la escalera, o no podrá ver el cielo. Cuando el lector hay llegado al Silencio, este libro será su enemigo. Entonces deberá desprenderse de él".


The book (aimed at all kinds of people, regardless of their spiritual affiliation: religious, non-religious, agnostic, atheist ...) is devised, in the author's own words, "to make pass ... of meaning, the fantasy and feeling, to Silence. It must therefore be used as if it were a ladder to access the roof. Once on the roof, one must make sure that one has left the ladder, or one will not be able to see the sky. You have reached Silence, this book will be your enemy. Then you will have to get rid of it. "

Lo que los gurus de Oriente y los místicos de Occidente trasmitieron antaño a sus discípulos, lo ofrece ahora este libro a los hombres y mujeres de hoy. Y lo hace en la forma de sencillos ejercicios para ser realizados en los ratos libres, en los que es perfectamente posible acceder a la paz, a la fuerza interior, a la alegría y hasta a la iluminación.

What the gurus of the East and the mystics of the West once transmitted to their disciples, this book now offers to the men and women of today. And it does so in the form of simple exercises to be performed in free time, in which it is perfectly possible to access peace, inner strength, joy and even enlightenment.