Note that our family-based partnership is still in business after 16 years, and has kept its price at $22 for all that period.  We have been able to do this because so many of our sales come from word of mouth.  That keeps promotion costs down. 

So, when you like the books, please do not keep your mouth shut.   

         BORN IN 1959?   WHAT ELSE HAPPENED?

This is the 21st of 36 books in a series that covers Australian social history, in the 36 years from 1939 to 1974.  Each year-book in the Series tells about the large number of newsworthy events that happened in that year.


To get the material for the books, the writer, Ron Williams, worked his way through newspapers, magazines, books, and other sources, day by day until he came up with most of the major events and ideas, and trivia, of those years.  He presents them in a thoroughly readable book, with a mixture of humour and gravitas.


All books are pitched at “oldies” who are not as young as they were.   When people get a bit older, they become more reflective on their lives, and they place more value on their partners, and families, and friends from yesteryear. And about this time, nostalgia edges into their lives, and they start to look back at their teens, and dwell on their early years and childhood, and inevitably, their parents. 


When their birthdays come round, they celebrate it with family, friends and neighbours.  It is a time for reminiscence and memories, and the "good old days" get many a mention.  But when it gets back to their year of birth, the year it all started for them, they can't remember a thing 




This 182 Page  book aims to fix that a little by picking out the best stories of the year.  This year, the nation continued in its lucky ways. The troubles overseas with blacks and coloureds scarcely touched us, economic arguments over the Common Market were too far away to be really troubling, the Cold War was by now so boring that the threat of bombs and Reds no longer worried us.  So we went on, happy in our isolation and pre-occupation with matters local and personal. Though, by now there were stirrings affecting aborigines, women, White Australia Policy, and the like.  But it was all against the business-as-usual mentality of the Menzies government, so all the excitement had to come from within the strivings of society for a markedly better life.


All books are printed on quality paper with a guality cover, and Perfect Bound for durability.  They are printed in black-and-white, and in the style of the newspapers of those earlier days.


They are ideal gifts for oldies’ birthdays.  Nostalgics will love them. People will actually read them, and then pass them it on.  



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THE AUTHOR:  Ron Williams is a retired teacher, mathematician,   computer-man, political scientist, farmer and writer.  He has a BA from Sydney, and a Masters in Social Work and a PhD in Political Science from Hawaii.



ABOUT THESE SERIES   …  But after that, I realized that I really knew very little about these parents  of mine. They had been born about the start of the Twentieth Century, and they died in 1970 and 1980.  For their last 50 years, I was old enough to speak with a bit of sense.

I could have talked to them a lot about their lives. I could have found out about the times they lived in.  But I did not.  I know almost nothing about them really. Their courtship? Working in the pits? The Lock-out in the Depression? Losing their second child? Being dusted as a miner? The shootings at Rothbury? My uncles killed in the War? Love on the dole? There were hundreds, thousands of questions that I would now like to ask them.  But, alas, I can’t. It’s too late.


Thus, prompted by my guilt, I resolved to write these books. They describe happenings that affected people, real people.  The whole series is, to coin a modern phrase, designed to push your buttons, to make you remember and wonder at things forgotten. The books might just let nostalgia see the light of day, so that oldies and youngies will talk about the past and re-discover a heritage otherwise forgotten.  Hopefully, they will spark discussions between generations, and foster the asking and answering of questions that should not remain unanswered.