Camping Guide to the
Northern Territory

(3rd edition)

Craig Lewis and Cathy Chapman 


Warriewood, NSW: Boiling Billy Publications, 2010.


8.5 x 6 in. 222 pages.

Includes a generous number of colour photos and maps.

Condition": very good. This is a lovely clean, tight copy with no markings at all.


Camping Guide to the Northern Territory details over 150 campsites throughout the Territory's 71 national parks, conservation areas and reserves where you can pitch your tent on public land for free or very little cost. Whether you prefer the conveniences of an established campground in Kakadu, prefer to hike or walk in to your secluded campsite along the Larapinta Trail or drive your four-wheel drive to a remote Gulf site, this guide contains all the essential information you need to plan your next camping adventure.