40 plus years experience!!

 Premium Repair services on all Brass Engines


Includes ,disassembly, lube, adjust and repair  .

 Valve train adjustment , adjust the quarter ,re-attach  loose wires ,Check and adjust wheel gauge ,adjust gear lash. adjust coupler height. replace lights, service motor.

replace coupling, service gear box, oil and lube install KDs.

Will also repair damages and re solder parts, additional charges will apply for damage repair.

Extra services. for additional charges.

Coreless Motor  $ 75.00 to 150.00 German.

Can motors from  $ 50.00- 75.00

I also Paint and install DCC Sound Decoders all  trains

Ron's Model Trains & Thangs

910 Lawrence

Trinidad TX 75163


10 am - 7pm Mon-Saturday 

 anything needed can be done have resistance solder equipment and also do custom work on b