Here you are buying a bag of 5g pure ELITE  Grade 1 Shungite powder (certified)
Shungite is an amazing stone found in nature and is the only natural form of C70, in 1996 Professors Kroto, Smalley, & Curl were awarded the Nobel Prize for discovering the ‘fullerene’ now found in Shungite, as well as there now being many more scientific studies proving its ability to clear toxins, electromagnetic fields and radiation, to kill bacteria, cleanse water and heal the body.

 How Shungite Works:

Shungite is attenuating the frequencies it encounters, reversing their spin, shungite itself spins at 20 Billion revolutions per second (fastest thing known to man, currently) so because if this fact, in our opinion there’s can be no way that any frequency can stay in their negative and harmful state, with each year exciting research is making great scientific advances in the field of C60 carbon and Shungite applications.


Best Wishes Always


All statements regarding our Shungite products are considered ‘anecdotal’ at this time.

Disclaimer: These Statements and any product made by us are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease

its such an amazing minerolide/stone i want to help people get it when they need it, so happy making xxx

Shungite is:
Immunostimulant- in the absence of a response to the stimulation of the IgE
Protection from ionizing and non-iodizing radiation
Electrically conductive
Protects us from harmful EMF's
Neutralises toxins within the body

The following results are from the work with Shungite by Grigory Andrievsky.
Shungite works as an adaptogen: operating at both the cellular level and at the level of the whole body at the same time.

Natural Fullerenes from Shungite not only have the ability to reduce the concentration of the free radicals as no other antioxidant can, but their action is stronger and it lasts longer; acting as catalyzers, attracting free radicals that end stuck to it, covering its entire football shaped surface leading to their molecular transformation into a neutral compound, with the shungite molecule still attracting more free radicals.

Shungite normalizes cellular metabolism
Shungite increases enzymatic activity
Stimulating the ability to regenerate tissue
Increasing the resistance of the body's cells
Posses anti-inflammatory properties
Fosters the exchange of new neurotransmitters
Acts against toxins neutralizing them in the body
Significantly increases the stabilizing bio-molecules 
that have been exposed to excess heat, speeding up healing for internal organs resulting in burns and other necrotic processes (high-fevers -vaccinations)
Blood levels return to normal extremely quickly in patients having radiation therapy for cancer

The following results are from the work with Shungite by Nina Kolesnikova and her team.
A 10-15min bath stabilised the condition of people who had hypo-tension, psoriasis and joint problems, it also increased their well-being and desire to return to normal physically active life.
A paste made with shungite powder applied to psoriasis & joint issues for 20-30 mis for several successive days, created a reduction in lesions, lessening of pain, increase in joint mobility, decrease in joint stiffness.
Shungite was also used as a mouth wash for soar throats, stomatitis and periodontists and gave good results.
With 100ml dosage of shungite water on an empty stomach with significant results for chronic colitis, gastritis, pancreatitis and cholecystitis, including having a toning and anti-inflammatory effect, reducing bloating, acid reflux. Also noted was the reduction in the amounts of medication needed by these patients.

Shungite is electrically conductive, aswell it excites other molecules around it, this is why we we see the fridge temperature go down and our energy bills become cheaper!

Shungite reverses the spin of Wi-Fi and other EMF frequencies, the result is that our computer and mobile devices are no longer harmful to us and other around us.