Here is something you won't find for sale ANYWHERE else! Exclusively from Periscope Film LLC, a full and complete reprint of V-1 Buzz Bomb Manuals, all 235 pages of it! (NOTE: IN GERMAN)

This is NOT I repeat NOT a CD or a .pdf file! What you are getting is a wonderful 8.5x11 book made with high quality paper, and beautiful glossy covers!! Why buy a CD of this and then have to print out all the pages?? It'll cost much more and the result will be inferior!

Okay, more about this book:The Fieseler Fi-103, also known as the V-1 "buzz bomb", struck terror into British and Dutch civilians during WWII. Powered by a pulse jet engine, it could achieve speeds up to nearly 400 mph, and was equipped with an autopilot to ensure stable flight.

Between June 1944 and March of 1945, nearly 10,000 were launched towards London. Over 2400 struck the city, resulting in roughly 24,000 casualties. After WWII, the V-1 was tested by the U.S. Navy, and a radio-guided version was built known as the "Loon" missile. The Loon would become the first guided missile launched from a submarine, and thus is often identified as the forerunner of the cruise missile.

This book contains reprints of original technical documents related to the V-1, which were preserved by the U.S. Navy on microfilm. Please note, most texts are in German, and due to the nature of microfilm prints, legibility is substandard.

235 pages, 8.5x11, b&w interior with color covers.
We offer a 100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEE or your money back!

High bidder pays $7.00 shipping in USA for this book, $12 to anywhere in the world! We combine shipping costs on multiple item purchases.