See below for condition.

Please see photos for closer look.

Aitken, Celtiv - Has a little paint wear
Allofs, Bordeuax - Very good
Amoros, France - Number and letters have started to fade
Augenthaler, Bayern Munich - Lettering is has started to fade
Aumann, Bayern Munich - Has a little paint wear
Barnes, England - Good
Barnes, Liverpool - slight discoloured on lower half, ball is a little loose
Beardsley, England - Good, has a little wear
Beardsley, Liverpool - Has wear
Bonner, Celtic - Good
Brehme, Germany - Has some paint wear and shirt is discoloured.
Bruce, Man Utd - Good
Berti, Inter Milan - Missing Ball
Berti, Italy - Very good
Buchwald, Germany - Shirts is dis-coloured
Butcher, England - Good
Careca, Napoli - Name has started to come off the back
Chapman, Notts Forest - Has wear on back, name.
Clough, Notts Forest - Very good
Cottee, Everton - Good
Cowans, Aston Villa - Missing ball
Ferri, Inter Milan - Shirt is dis-coloured
Francini - Good
Gaudino, Stuttgart - Good
Gascoigne, Tottenham Hotspur - Discolouring on shirt
Giannini, Italy - Lettering has started to fade
Gullit, AC Milan - Very good
Gullit, Holland - Name has started to come off back
Hughes, Man Utd - Good
Hughes, Man Utd - Has a little wear on bottom half and base
Johnson, Scotland - Very good
Lineker, England - Has a little wear on back
Lineker, Tottenham Hotspur - Good
Littbarski, Holland - little wear on chest
Mabbutt, Tottenham Hotspur - slightly discoloured shirt
Mancini, Itlay - Missing Ball
Maradona, Napoli - Good
Matthaus, Germany - Has wear on paint around the shoulders
McClair, Manchester United - Good
McCoist, Scotland - Good
McStay, Celtic - Has a little wear
Mountfield, Villa - Good, has wear on back
Nevin, Everton - Good
Nicol, Liverpool - Good, has a little wear
Nicol, Scotland - Missing name and number
Pearce, Nottingham Forest - Very good
Platt, Aston Villa - Number has started to fade
Ratcliffe, Everton - Very good
Ratcliffe, Wales - Good, has a little wear
Rijkaard, has a little wear on hair and name
Robson, England - Top is discoloured
Robson, Manchester United - Good
Rocastle, Arsenal - Good
Rush, Liverpool - Has a little wear and paint on hair wear
Rush, Wales - Lettering has started to fade
Serena, Inter Milan - Shirt is discoloured
Sharp, Everton - Good
Smith, Arsenal - Good
Southall, Everton - Good
Spink, Aston Villa - Good
Stewart, Tottenham Hotspur - has a little wear on back
Thomas, Arsenal - Good
Tigana, France - I is coming off the name
Van Basten, AC Milan - Good
Van Basten, Holland - Good, has a little wear
Vialli, Italy - Good
Voller, Germany - Shirt is dis-coloured
Waddle, England - has wear on back
Walkers, Notts Forest - Very good
Paul Walsh - Tottenham Hotspur - Good
Walsh, Spurs - Missing base with ball on
Wouters, Holland - Good

Please feel free to ask any further question.