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Having a difficult time building your hedgehog a home?

You know that hedgehogs need a place to hibernate, so you try building it a shelter. You follow all the house-making steps found online, only to end up with epic fails. It's been weeks since you started to see your new buddy arrive in your garden, and it still has yet to have a place to call its home.

So, you try shopping for houses online. But they're all too expensive, and you aren't sure if your pet will use them anyway. Plus, there are so many designs to choose from that you no longer know which one to get.

With Hutch Company Predator-Proof Hedgehog House, your little friend is finally sheltered!

We'll make it easy for you: this outdoor habitat is a much safer nesting option than the compost heap or log pile you leave outside your home. It has a C24 graded construction timber with durable felt roof, so even if you don't have a resident hedgehog just yet, the chances of you having your first inhabitant are good.

Aside from providing shelter, this affordable hedgehog house can also be used as a feeding station. The internal divide is a thin board that's tacked in place for easy removal. Plus, it prevents cats from stealing the food your new friend needs to beef up for winter.

Here are more reasons to love our hedgehog houses:
✅ Sleeping area is out of view to protect from predators
✅ Encourages hedgehogs to take up permanent residence
✅ Shelters hedgehogs from both the summer heat and cold winter weather
✅ Perfect gifting idea for friends and family
✅ Offers a safe retreat from strimmers, forks and other garden tools


  • Height 260mm x Width 400mm x Depth 340mm
  • Weight (delivery box included) 3kg

Give your new buddy a place to hibernate and breed. Add Hutch Company Predator-Proof Hedgehog House to your basket TODAY!