This book sells for almost $500 on the internet.



This is a                           rare photographic monograph of PALESTINE containing:
                          > 304 large full-page sepia photogravures plates +
                          > index of places, a full-page map

Year /  Publishing House:
 1925  / OrbisTerrarium
Author / Photographer: 
Lehnert & Landrock , Karl Grober and few others
captions in 5 languages: Spanish, English,  Italian, German, French
Large Size: 12 ¼” x 9 ½” [ 31 x 24 cm ]
                          Original orange linen hardcover with  minor signs of wear,  photogravure plates in very good  condition, 2nd page with intoductory title was cut, but all plates, 304 , complete



This is a rare antiquarian photogravure book, a photographic monograph of PALESTINE         which depicts people and everyday life, architecture, landscapes. The         photogravures were produced from the photographs taken by the renowned         photographers Lehnert & Landrock , Karl Grober.

Evocative photos of what this area was 100  years ago.

This photography book was sumptuously produced, using a technique rarely         used today - photogravure. The rich ink and paper used for this album's     photogravures, besides the technique, are definitive elements in the         production of these wonderful photographic plates. This is unbelievable         sepia large full page photography of amazing artistic and technical         quality. Wonderful photography, sharp, rich in tones and details.


> Many pictures of         Jerusalem and famous places in Jerusalem:
        Via Dolorosa , Golgotha , Church of Holy Sepulchre , Castle of David ,         Mount Zion , Greek Cathedral , Grave of Christ , Chamber of the Last         Supper , Jewish Temple , Dome of the Rock , El Aska Mosque , Golden Gate         , Wailing Wall of the Jews , Synagogues , Gate of Herod , Ecce Homo Arch         , Tomb of the Virgin , Mount of Olives , Mosque on the Mount of Olives ,         Chapel of the Ascension on the Mount of Olives , Jewish Graves and Tomb         of Absalom , Valley of Kidron , Grotto of St. James , Muslim Graves ,         Grotto of Jeremiah ...


> Pictures of bazaars         , ancient city walls in Jerusalem , Gate of St Stephen , Gate of         Damascus , Dung Gate , Gate of Zion , Golden Gate , Bethlehem seen from         the Mount of Olives


> Tomb of Rachel ,         Pool and Gardens of Solomon , famous places in Bethelem like the Church         of Nativity , market scenes, tomb of Moses , place of Christ's baptist         in the Jordan , Nazareth


> Pictures from cities         like:
        Jerusalem [ a lot of photos ], Acre , Arbela , Assur , Baalbeck ,         Babylon , Bagdad , Bethlehem , Beyrut , Damask , Gaza , Hebron , Kerkuk         , Jordan , Kuweit , Medina , Mosul , Nineve , Palmyra , Petra , Ramala ,         Sinai , Takrit , Tripolis , Yemen , Zenobia


> Also shown here are         smaller towns and countryside and famous places of worship of all         religions, mesmerizing landscapes and many more.


> Natural landscapes,         bank of Jordan , oases , Tigris , Euphrates , desert.


> Arabian Baths ,         Great Mosques , Bedouins , Tomb of the Prophet in Medina , pilgrims at         Mecca.


> Pictures of ethnic         populations and their habits: Jews , Arabians , Christians


> Pictures of antique         places, famous for their history, the places where all 3 major religions         of the world meet + antique Roman cities like Gerasa and its temple,         Samaria with Herod's Palace , Acropolis in Baalbek , Palmyra with         temples and painting dating from the Roman Empire, Ancient water         cisterns, Ishtar Gate of Babylon in Ancient Mesopotamia , tombs of Petra


Index of the places
        > Ain Musa / Akkon / Alleppo / Arabien / Arbela / Arabische Wuste /         Artas / Assur
        > Baalbek / Babylon / Baghdad [Bagdad] / Bethlehem / Beyrout /         Borsippa [Birs Nimrud]
        > Cedars of Lebanon / Chidr Elias
        > Damascus / Diarbekir [Diyarbakir] / Dschidda Jeddah Jiddah
        > El Arisch / El Galil / El Hageri
        > Gaza / Genezareth See [Lake]
        > Hatra / Hebron / Hisn Kef / Hosn Suleiman
        > Jaffa / Fountain of Jacob


        Abendmahlsaal, Ansichten, Citadelle, Castle of David, Ecce Homo Arch,         Gethsemane, Gordon ’s Tomb, Holy Sepulcher, Assumption Church &         Mosque, Jacob 's Tomb, Jeremiah ‘s Cave [Grotto of], Jewish Tombs,         Wailing Wall, Mohammedan Tombs, Pool of the Patriarch, Street Scenes,         Place of The Temple [Square], Via Dolorosa, Judean Desert [Desert of         Judah]


> Kana / Kapernaum [Capharnaum]         / Karmel / Kerak / Kerbela / K_rkuk / Koweit / Ktesiphon
        > Lebanon
        > Maan / Magdala / Mar Saba [St. Sabas] / Medina [Medinah] / Mecca [Makka]         / Mesopotamia / Mocha [Mokka] / Mosul [Mossul] / Mshatta [Mschatta]
        > Nablus [Nabulus] / Nazareth / Nebi Junus / Nebi Musa / Nimrud /         Nineveh [Ninive]
        > Palestine / Palmyra / Petra
        > Ramallah / Ramla [Ramleh] / Redaa
        > Solomon ‘s Pools / Samaria / Samarra [Samaria, Shomron] / Sana /         Scheich / Sidon / Sinai / Syria
        > Tabor / Taiz [Ta’izz] / Tikrit [Takrit] / Tiberias / Dead Sea /         Tripolis / Tyrus
        > Urfa [Sanlıurfa]
        > Wadi En Nar
        > Zenobia



This  photogravure book is part of a famous early 20th century  photographic monograph collection, published between the two world  wars. 
These books bring together: culture, people, ethnic populations,  customs, art and architecture, folklore, costumes, major centers,  small villages, everyday life and landscapes as they were, almost  one hundred years ago, unspoiled by the industrial development. Many  of the places shown in the books disappeared in the last century,  customs and everyday life changed.

> Photo-Gravure /  Printing Technique Specifications:
• A photo-gravure is a photographic image produced from an engraving  plate. The process is rarely used today due to the costs involved,  but it produces prints which have the subtlety of a photograph and  the art quality of a lithograph.
• In essence, the production of a photo-gravure consists of three  steps: taking the picture, producing a printing plate of the image  and printing the image on paper. Glass photographic positives are  transferred onto copper plates and from the copper plates to the  paper.
• A photo-gravure looks like a photograph but is a series of  connected lines, rather than unconnected dots as in a printed  photograph. It is still the most accurate technique for capturing  all the details. The rich ink and paper used for this album's  photogravures, besides the technique, are definitive elements in the  production of these wonderful photographic plates.