2014 iF Design Award **
Product: Nest egg
Model: CR1201
Material: Canadian maple
Function: paper clip storage
Size: 4.7 * 6.9 cm

Eggs, which are common in life, are beautiful without any additional design. In this design, magnets are hidden inside the paper so they are nests instead.
Each egg is made by hand and polished. The grains are unique around the world. The Canadian maple is used for this design. The eggs are not covered with paint, so that users can feel the charm of the trunks. How do the magnets come in? Did you find out?

** iF design award, titled "iF" for short, was founded in 1953 and is awarded annually by the oldest German industrial design organizations - the Hanover Industrial Forum Design. IF International Forum Design Award iF Design Award is awarded every year for the "Independent, Strict and Reliable," Award concept, and is the most widely recognized of its Gold Award for Product Design Industry Oscars