Crosby Stills & Nash

This Crosby Stills & Nash Set  was based on the cover of their first album where they are sitting in a red sofa on a front porch. 

• Graham Nash wearing jeans, black t shirt and a denim shirt.

• Steven Stills wearing jeans, black jumper and a brown jacket.

• David Crosby wearing jeans and a brown tunic.

This set of CS&N are each approximately is 10 inches tall, or around 25 centimeters to the top of her head. They are knitted with double knit acrylic yarn and stuffed with Polyester stuffing.

They do not have a wire frame and cannot stand up by themselves,

CS&N will come in a box with a signed, numbered Limited Edition Certificate, Number 1 of 1. 
My first Rock Star dolls were featured in Mojo, UK music magazine. I just make the occasional set now and offer them for sale around once a year.
David, Steve & Graham are completely handmade and there is only one of these sets in existence. 
I first knitted the bodies and arms with double knit acrylic yarn. I sewed them up and padded them out with polyester stuffing. I then knitted outer garments, shirts, jackets etc, then boots.
I embroidered their faces and added hair, trying to replicate the hair styles.on the album cover.

Watch out.... Crosby almost cut his!

There is around 8 hours work in the making of each of these guys. That's around 24 hours in total from start to finish.

IMPORTANT - Please note that these rockers are unsuitable for children.My Rockers are made for adult collectors and music fans for display only.