Rare Medieval Document of the Thirteenth Century from the Reign of LOUIS IX and INNOCENT IV Papacy, Contemporary of the last Crusade and Templars.

This document records a formal declaration and grant made by Giuonettus the Elder, Warnerus, and Wilts, in the presence of Jacob, in favor of the church of Saint Benignus of Dijon. It details their commitment to the church, the benefits granted for the repose of souls, and their desire for these grants to be valid forever. The declaration is sealed and confirmed by the involved parties.

Document in full vellum composed in April 1255. 

Superb State of Conservation, Perfect Condition. 

Beautiful Calligraphy, Writing remains very legible.

Description: Legal manuscript on Parchment, Cursive writing in sepia ink
Age:             Dated 1255
Language:   Latin
Size:             12” x 7.5” (30.5 cm x 19 cm)
Material:     Parchment
Pope era:    Innocent IV

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