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Titolo: Goliath
Condizione: Nuovo
Subtítulos: A Thriller
EAN: 9781608092666
ISBN: 9781608092666
Publisher: Oceanview Publishing
Formato: Tascabile
Data di pubblicazione: 17/10/2017
Lingua: inglese
Paese di origine: US
Altezza: 227mm
Lunghezza: 157mm
Peso: 462g
Autore: Shawn Corridan, Gary Waid
Genere: Fiction
Description: A giant Russian tanker ablaze in the Bering Sea about to create the world’s worst eco-disaster—and not just from the oil

In the Bering Sea, Bennkah, the largest oil tanker ever built, newly commissioned in Vladivostok, Russia, is on its maiden voyage. Well-respected Captain Nicholas Borodin is at the helm, and for a reason only he knows, his agitation is palpable.

Soon an engineer discovers a defect—seemingly minor, but one with disastrous potential. Despite his attempts to correct the problem, a fire erupts, contained at first, then rapidly spreads out of control, consuming the behemoth tanker.

A Mayday call alerts Captain Sonny Wade some two hundred miles from the burning ship. This could be the lifeline that Sonny and his ragtag crew need to save their failing salvage business. But Dal Sharpe, Sonny’s nemesis and former employer—the owner of the largest salvage business in all of the northwest—also hears the call. A heart-stopping race is on to claim the hulk before it contaminates the entire north Pacific Rim.

But Sonny learns there’s more at stake than anyone realizes—a catastrophe of monstrous proportions.

Perfect for fans of Tom Clancy and Clive Cussler
Soggetto: Crime Thrillers & Mystery
Title Format: Paperback
Larghezza: 20mm
Anno di pubblicazione: 2017

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