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Titolo: Intensive Parenting
Condizione: Nuovo
Subtítulos: Surviving the Emotional Journey through the NICU
EAN: 9781555917449
ISBN: 9781555917449
Publisher: Fulcrum Publishing
Formato: Tascabile
Data di pubblicazione: 01/11/2012
Lingua: inglese
Paese di origine: US
Altezza: 228mm
Lunghezza: 152mm
Peso: 480g
Autore: Maria Tesler Stein, Deborah L Davis Ph.D
Genere: Medicine
Soggetto: Personal Development, Parenting, Language & Reference, Society & Culture
Description: Parenthood transforms you. Even before this crisis, you may have experienced a wide range of feelings triggered by pregnancy, birth, and welcoming a new baby. The NICU experience challenges your emotional coping, your developing parental identity, your relationship skills, and your ability to adjust. Intensive Parenting explores the emotions of parenting in the neonatal intensive care unit, from in-hospital through issues and concerns after the child is home.
Title Format: Paperback
Larghezza: 20mm
Anno di pubblicazione: 2012

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