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Titolo: My Cat’s First Year
Condizione: Nuovo
Subtítulos: A Journal
Formato: Copertina rigida
ISBN-10: 1785038621
EAN: 9781785038624
ISBN: 9781785038624
Publisher: Pop Press
Genere: Home Garden & Pets
Anno di pubblicazione: 2019
Data di pubblicazione: 04/04/2019

Capture and treasure early moments with your new cat forever.

'A home without a cat is just a house'

There’s nothing more special than bringing your new cat home for the first time! Whether you have just welcomed a new kitten into your home, or adopted an older cat, My Cat's First Year is your special keepsake to record this magical memory and many more, from their hilarious misadventures and resting positions, to their favourite toys and places to be stroked, and to the first ‘present’ they bring you!

This journal also provides info on how to prepare for their arrival, as well as handy tips and fun DIY instructions on how to make your own cat treats and toys. With prompts for you to add words and pictures, this is a lasting testament to the wonderful relationship you share with your new cat.

Lingua: inglese
Paese di origine: GB
Altezza: 218mm
Lunghezza: 156mm
Larghezza: 16mm
Peso: 375g
Autore: No Author

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