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Pine, John (1690 - 1756): "A View of the House of Peers, the King sitting on his Throne, the Commons attending him at the end of ye Session 1741/2. To the Rt. Hon.ble Philip Lord Hardwicke, Baron Hardwicke in the County of Gloucester, Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain. This Plate is most humbly Dedicated by his Lordships most oblig'd and most obedient humble Servant John Pine Bluemantle."

Originaler Kupferstich/copper engraving ca.44x63cm (Darstellung/image size) von John Pine auf Bütten/hand-made paper (51x68cm) in der Platte typographisch betitelt, bezeichnet und datiert "29. September 1749"; John Pine London 1749

John Pine (1690 - 1756 in London) wurde zu seinen Lebzeiten als führender Kupferstecher in Großbritannien verehrt. Er war ein enger Freund William Hogarths (1697 - 1764) und Schüler des berühmten französischen Kupferstechers Bernard Picart (1673 - 1733). Er war Träger des "Bluemantle" des College of Arms von 1743 - 1747. Um 1735 gestaltete er eine Bilderserie von zehn Motiven, welche die Seeschlacht gegen die Spanische Armada zeigen, für das Britische Parlament aus. Das dazugehörige Werk "The Tapestry Hangings of the House of Lords" erschien 1739 in London. Seine großartige Arbeit wurde durch einen "Act of Parliament" festgehalten und seine lebenslangen Bezüge gesichert. Zur Vervollständigung der Bilderserie im Parlament fertigte er fünf weitere großformatige Kupferstiche an... 

John Pine (1690 - 1756) was admired in Britain as the foremost heraldic and decorative engraver of his generation. He was a close friend of William Hogarth (1697 - 1764) and a scholar the famous French engraver Bernard Picart (1673 - 1733). His first engravings exhibited the splendid ceremonial of the installation of the knights of the bath in 1725. These were followed by his admirable prints, ten in number, representing the tapestry hangings in the House of Lords, showing the fight against the Spanish Armada. These were so highly approved, that the Parliament passed an act to secure the emolument arising from their publication to him. He engraved five other plates of the same size, to accompany them,...


...being/Diese zeigen: 1. "A Plan of the House of Peers; another of the House of Commons A View of the Creation of Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk, by Henry VIII. from a drawing in the College at Arms." 2. "The House of Peers, with Henry VIII. on the throne, the Commons attending, from a drawing by the then Garter King at Arms. Another View of the House of Peers, with Elizabeth on the throne, the Commons presenting their Speaker at t;he bar, from a painted print in the Cottonian Library. A copy of a beautiful Illumination of the Charter of Henry VI, to the Provost and College of Eton." 3. "The House of Lords, shewing his majesty on the throne, the Lords in their proper robes and seats, the Commons at the bar, and the Speaker addressing the throne." 4. "The House of Commons, shewing the Commons assembled in their House, the Speaker in his Chair, and sir Robert Walpole, the Minister, standing forth in his usual posture toward the chair." 5. "A View of the Court erected in Westminster Hall for the Tryal of Simon Lord Lovat."


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