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Senda Pirenaica (Trans Pyrenees Trail) GR11 guide + map Cabo Higer-Cap de Creus

Senda Pirenaica (Trans Pyrenees Trail) GR11 guide + map Cabo Higer-Cap de Creus

  • £24.990
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This map set by Editorial Alpina covers the whole of the GR 11, from the Atlantic to the Mediterranean. The set consists of 21 1:50,000 topographic maps, including the 43 stages of GR 11.

The Stage profiles give average walking times, distances and ascent/descent, location of refuges, campsites and hotels.

Languages: Catalan, English, French, Spanish

About the Series

Editorial Alpina are a leading Spanish publishing house and produce an extensive and very popular series of walking/hiking maps covering the Pyrenees and other popular areas of Spain.

These topographic maps are published at scales from 1:10,000 to 1:50,000 (With most at 1:25,000) and show additional hill-shading or altitude tinting.

An overprint highlights hiking trails, long-distance footpaths, campsites, mountain huts, refuges, etc. The latest editions also show climbing sites, mountain bike routes, equestrian and ski centres (Shown by icons on the front cover).

Nearly all the maps have a separate booklet, published in Spanish and/or Catalan (With many now also including English), containing general information about the area, descriptions of selected hiking routes, a list of accommodation with addresses, and other useful contact details for when you are in the area etc.

All the latest editions have a UTM grid, plus margin ticks for latitude and longitude.

Map legend in most titles includes English.