Professional Biological Microscope Glass/Plastic Prepared Slides Specimen 200pcs 100pcs 91pcs 50pcs 25pcs 10pcs 12pcs 48pcs


100%Brand new and high quality.


200PCS microscope slides including:
100pcs plants and 100pcs animals slides

100Pcs Plants slides:

1 早熟禾叶横切 Poa Leaf (cross section)
2 字母e装片 Letter "e" W.M.
3 酵母菌萌芽装片 Yeast-Budding W.M.
4 细菌三型涂片 Three type of Bacteria Smear
5 大肠杆菌涂片 Escherichia coli Smear
6 黄色葡萄球菌 Staphylococcus aureus Smear
7 螺旋菌涂片 Spirllum Smear
8 曲霉装片 Aspergillus W.M.
9 青霉装片  Penicillium W.M.
10 黑根霉装片 Rhizopus W.M.
11 小分生孢子装片 Microgonidium W.M.
12 轮藻装片 Phylum Charophya W.M.
13 刚毛藻装片 Chladophora W.M.
14 直链藻装片 Melosira W.M.
15 硅藻装片 Bacillariophyta W.M.
16 衣藻装片 Chlamydomonas W.M.
17 团藻装片 Volox W.M.
18 念珠藻装片 Nostoc W.M.
19 水绵装片 Spirogyia W.M.
20 水绵接合生殖装片 Spirogyia Conjugation W.M.
21 地衣切片 Lichen Section
22 地钱颈卵器纵切 Maroharttis Archegortia L.S.
23 地钱精子器纵切 Marchantia Aritheridis  L.S.
24 金发藓装片 Polytrichum W.M.
25 金发藓精子器纵切 Polytrichum Antheridia L.S.
26 地衣子囊盘切片 Lichen  apothecium sec.
27 发菜装片 Nostoc commune  W.M.
28 木贼孢子弹丝装片 Spore of Equisetum arvense W.M.
29 木贼孢子纵切 Strobile of Equisetum arvense L.S. 
30 地钱孢芽杯切片 Cyphella of Marchantia Sec.
31 伞蕈切片 Agaricus sec.
32 海带切片 Laminaria japonica Sec.
33 洋葱根尖有丝分裂纵切 Mitosis - Onion Root Tip L.S.
34 玉米根横切 Zea Root C.S. 
35 蚕豆幼根横切 Young Root of Broad Bean C.S.
36 棉花幼根横切 Young root of Gossypium hirsutum C.S.
37 向日葵幼根横切 Young root of Helianthus annuu T.S.
38 蚕豆根尖纵切  Vicia Faba Root Tip L.S.
39 玉米根尖纵切 Zea Root, Tip L.S.
40 松根横切 Pine Root C.S.
41 毛茛根横切 Ranunculus Root C.S.
42 茎末端顶牙纵切 Eminal Bud Stem Tip L.S.
43 夹竹桃茎横切 Stem of Nerium indicum T.S.
44 蕨茎横切 Fern Stem C.S.
45 蕨茎纵切 Pine Stem L.S.
46 棉花茎横切 Cotton Stem C.S.
47 黄豆茎横切 Soya Stem C.S.
48 莲茎横切 Stem of Nymphaea tetragona T.S.
49 薄荷茎横切 Stem of Mentha haplocalyx T.S.
50 松树茎横切 Pine Stem C.S.
51 女贞幼茎横切 Young stem of Ligustrum lucidum T.S.
52 水稻茎横切 Rice Stem C.S.
53 向日葵茎横切 Sunflower Stem C.S.
54 玉米茎横切 Zea Stem C.S.
55 玉米茎纵切 Zea Stem L.S.
56 小麦茎横切  Stem of Wheat C.S.
57 南瓜茎纵切 Cucurbita Stem L.S.
58 椴树茎横切 Tilia Stem C.S.
59 茎厚角组织横切 Stem-Collenchyma C.S.
60 茎软组织横切 Stem-Parenchyma C.S.
61 茎厚壁组织横切 Stem-Sclerenchvma C.S.
62 洋葱表皮装片 Onion Epidermis W.M.
63 蚕豆叶下表皮装片 Lower epiderm of leaf of Vicia faba leaf W.M.
64 小麦叶下表皮装片 Lower epiderm of leaf of Triticum aestivum leaf W.M.
65 叶表皮星状毛装片 Branched stellate hair of leaf epiderm W.M.
66 蒲公英绒毛装片 Dandelion Fuzz W.M.
67 浆果毛装片 Berry Hair W.M.
68 纤维装片 Fibre W.M.
69 玉米淀粉装片 Corn Starch W.M.
70 胞间连丝切片 Plasmodesmus Sec.
71 黑藻叶装片 Leaf of Hydrilla verticillata  L.S.
72 女贞叶横切 Leaf of Ligustrum lucidum T.S.
73 薄荷叶横切 Leaf of Mentha Haplocalyx T.S.
74 迎春叶横切 Leaf of Winter Jasmine C.S.
75 夹竹桃叶横切 Leaf of Nerium indicum T.S.
76 莲叶横切 Leaf of Nymphaea tetragona T.S.
77 蚌兰叶装片 Rhoeo Disolor Leaf W.M.
78 棉花叶横切 Cotton Leaf C.S.
79 地钱叶切片 Frond of Marchantia Sec.
80 玉米叶横切 Leaf of Zea mays T.S.
81 松针叶横切 Pine Leaf C.S.
82 天竺葵叶横切 Pelargonium, of Leaf C.S.
83 蕨叶横切 Funaria leaf  
84 无花果叶横切 Leaf of Ficus carica T.S.
85 松雌性球果纵切 Pine Cone-Female L.S.
86 松幼雄性球果纵切 Pine Young Staminate, Cone L.S.
87 西葫芦花粉装片 Cucurbita W.M.
88 蔬菜花粉装片 Vegetable Pollen W.M.
89 豌豆花粉装片 Pea Pollen W.M.
90 油菜花粉装片 Pollen of Brassica campestris var.oleifera W.M.
91 松花粉装片 Pine Pollen W.M.
92 花粉萌发装片 Pollen Gem W.M.
93 荠菜花装片 Flower of Capsella bursa-pastoris W.M.
94 百合花蕾切片 Flower bud of Lilium brownii var.viridulum T.S.
95 百合子房横切 Lillium Ovary C.S.
96 百合花药横切  Lillium Anther C.S.
97 无花果果实切片 Fruit of Ficus carica T.S.
98 番茄果肉装片 Tomato Flesh W.M.
99 梨石细胞装片 Pome Sclereid W.M.
100 玉米种子纵切 Zea Seed L.S.

100PCS Animals slides:
1 草履虫装片 Paramecium
2 眼虫装片 Euglena
3 轮虫装片 Rotife
4 海绵骨针装片 Spincule of Spongia W.M.
5 剑水蚤装片 Cyclops
6 水螅纵切 Hydra T.S.
7 水螅横切 Hydra C.S.
8 涡虫切片 Planaria C.S.
9 蚯蚓横切 Earthworm C.S.
10 绦虫卵装片 Eggs of Taenia solium  W.M.
11 绦虫切片 Taenia Pisiformis Section
12 蛔虫卵装片 Ascarid Egg W.M.
13 蛔虫切片 Ascaris C.S.
14 雌性蚊装片 Mosquito-Female W.M.
15 雄蚊子装片 Mosquito - Male W.M.
16 蚊子幼虫装片 Mosquito Larva W.M.
17 叶若虫横切 Nymph T.S.
18 水蛭横切 Hirudo T.S.
19 肝吸虫切片 Liver fluke Section
20 雌性果蝇装片 Drosophila - Female W.M.
21 雄性果蝇装片 Drosophila - Male W.M.
22 果蝇幼虫装片 Drosophila - Larva W.M.
23 鱼鳞装片 Fish Scales W.M.
24 鱼皮切片 Skin of Fish Sec.
25 鱼鳃横切 Fish gill C.S.
26 鱼精巢切片 Testis of  Fish T.S.
27 鱼卵巢切片 Ovary of Fish T.S.
28 蛙卵单细胞 Simple-cell of egg of Frog Sec.
29 蛙表皮细胞切片 Frog Epidermic Cell Section
30 家蝇腿装片 House Fly Leg W.M.
31 蜜蜂前腿 Honeybee Foreleg
32 蜜蜂工作足装片 Honeybee Worker Leg-Composite W.M.
33 蝗虫足 Grasshoper foot 
34 蝴蝶足 The butterfly leg
35 蝗虫触角 Grasshoper antenna
36 蜜蜂触角 Honeybee antenna
37 蝴蝶触角 Antenna of butterfly W.M.
38 蚊子口器装片 Mosquito Mouth Parts W.M.
39 蜜蜂口器装片 Honeybee Mouth Parts W.M.
40 家蝇口器装片 Housefly Mouth Parts W.M.
41 蚊子翅膀装片 Mosquito Wings W.M.
42 家蝇翅装片 House Fly Wing W.M.
43 蝴蝶翅膀装片 Butterfly Wings Ocales W.M.
44 蜻蜓翅膀装片 Dragonfly Wings W.M.
45 蜜蜂翅膀装片 Honeybee Wings W.M.
46 蝗虫翅膀装片 Grasshoper Wing W.M.
47 蚂蚁装片 Ant W.M.
48 蚜虫装片 Aphis W.M.
49 蚁蚕装片 Silkworm Moth Larva W.M.
50 人毛发装片 Human Hair W.M.
51 正羽装片 Feather W.M.
52 绒羽装片 Underfur  of  Bird W.M.
53 平滑肌分离装片 Smooth muscle islolated W.M.
54 平滑肌纵横切 Smooth Muscle  L.S.&C.S.
55 骨骼肌纵横切 Skeletal Muscle L.S.&C.S.
56 心肌纵切 Cardiac Muscle L.S.
57 人口腔上皮细胞 Human Cell Mucus Membrane Smear
58 致密结缔组织切片 Dense Connective Tissue Section
59 疏松结缔组织切片 Loose Connective Tissue Section
60 立方上皮切片 Cuboidal Epithelium Section
61 纤毛上皮切片 Ciliated Epithelium Section
62 脂肪细胞切片         Adipose Cell Section
63 食道横切 Oesophagus T.S.
64 胃切片 Stomach Section
65 小肠切片 Small Intestine Section
66 大肠切片 Rectum C.S.
67 肺切片 Lung of Rabbit Section
68 肝切片 Liver Section
69 肾切片  Kidney Section
70 脾切片 Spleen Section
71 胰腺切片 Pancreas Section
72 淋巴结切片 Lymph Node Section
73 膀胱切片 Urinary Bladder Section
74 输尿管横切 Ureter C.S.
75 卵巢切片 Ovary Section
76 精巢切片 Testis Section
77 精子涂片 Spermatozoa Smear
78 子宫切片 Uterus Sec.
79 输卵管切片 Oviduct T.S.
80 舌纵切 Tongue L.S.
81 嗅觉隔膜切片 Olfactory Membrane Section
82 硬骨横切 Hard Bone T.S.
83 透明软骨切片 Hyaline Cartilage Section
84 弹性软骨 Elastic cartilage sec.
85 人血涂片 Human Blood Smear
86 蛙血涂片 Frog Blood Smear
87 鱼血涂片 Fish Blood Smear
88 鸡血涂片 Blood of Galus domesticus Smear
89 运动神经装片 Motor Nerve W.M.
90 脊髓横切 Spinal Cord C.S.
91 神经干切片 Nerves trunk L.S.
92 动静脉横切 Artery and Vein C.S.
93 大动脉横切 Arteriole C.S.
94 大静脉横切 Venae Cavac C.S.
95 人皮过毛囊切片 Skin of Human(show hair follicle) Sec.
96 人皮肤汗腺切片 Human Skin Sweat Gland Section
97 尾横切 Tail C.S.
98 动物细胞有丝分裂 Mitosis of animal Sec.
99 蝗虫精巢减数分裂切片 Meiosis of Grasshopper Sec.
100 正常人染色体装片 Chromosome of human W.M.

200pcs have two plastic boxs (Including 100pcs plants and 100pcs animals)

100PCs Mixted slides including:

No. name
Root tip of plants

Neurcytes islolated W.M.
Young root of plants

Spinal cord T.S.
Apical bud L.S.

Motor end plate W.M.
Stem of pumpkin L.S

Corpus ventriculi sec.
Stem of monocotyledon

Kidney of L.S.
Stem of dicotyledon

Artery and vein sec.
Stem of xylophyta dicotyledon T.S.

Intestine of T.S.
Lower epiderm of leaf of horsebean W.M

Ciliated epithelium of gill T.S.
Penicillium W.M.

Lymph node sec.
Microzyme W.M

Lung sec.(blood vessels injected with colored gelatin)
Chlamydomonas W.M.

Kidney of sec.(blood vessels injected with colored gelatin)
Three types of Bacteria

Testis T.S.
Hydra L.S

Ovary of sec.
Earthworm T.S.

Sperm of smear
Root tip of Allium cepa L.S.(show mitotic division)

Volvox W.M.
Mitosis of animal sec.(Parascaris equorum)

Aspergillus W.M.
Cleavage stage of egg of Frog sec.

Agaricus sec.
Gastrula stage of egg of Frog sec.

Seed of Zea mays L.S.
Blastula stage of egg of Frog sec.

Conjugation of Paramecium caudatum W.M.

Binary fission of Paramecium caudatum W.M.
Leaf of Pinus T.S.

Frog Epidermic Cell,sec
Plasmodesmus sec

Rabbit Hyaline Cartilage,sec
Conjugation of Splrogyra W.M.

Mature proglottid of Taenia solium W.M.
Simple-cell of egg of Frog sec.

Schistosoma japonicum (male) W.M.
2-cell of egg of Frog sec.

hydrq,c.s.through ovary
Early gastrula stage of egg of Frog sec.

Ascaris lumbricoides (female and male)T.S.  
Lichen sec.

Pollen-carrying leg of Honeybee W.M.
polliondlum of Funaria L.S

Mouthpart of Honeybee W.M.
Archegonium of Funaria L.S

Mouthpart of Housefly W.M.
Protonema of Funaria W.M.

Mouthpart of Butterfly W.M.
Sporophyll of Pteridium sec.

Mouthpart of Mosquito W.M.
Fern Prothallium.W.M

Mouthpart of Grasshopper W.M.
Fern Prothallium with young 

Hydra with bud W.M.
Pollen Germination W.M

Letter "e" W.M.
Ovary of Lilium T.S.

Epiderm of Allium W.M.
Matuer anther of Lilium T.S.

Spirogyra W.M.
Young embryo of Capsella Bursapastoris sec.

Epithelium cells of cavitas oris of HumanW.M.
Mature embryo of Capsella Bursapastoris sec.

Zygote of Ascarid lumbricoide W.M.
Simple squamous epithelium sec.

Rhizopus W.M.
Stratified squamous epithelium sec.

Chromosome of human W.M.
Skin of Human(show hair follicle) sec.

Meiosis of Grasshopper sec.
Skin of H uman(show sweat gland) sec.


Dense connective Tissue W.M.

Loose connective  Tissue W.M.

Bird feather
Blood of Human smear


Ant W.M.
Skeletal muscle T.S. and L.S.

Bird feather
Actinomycets W.M.

Fruit of Ficus carica T.S.
Smooth muscle islolated W.M.

Cardiac muscle sec.


Fish gill C.S.

Rat tail C.S.

91pcs slides Including:

Root tip of plant L.S.
Young root of plantT.S.
Apical bud L.S.
Stem of Cucurbita moschata L.S.
Stem of monocotyledon T.S.
Stem of dicotyledon T.S
Stem of xylophyta dicotyledon T.S.
Lower epiderm of leaf of horsebean W.M.
Penicillium W.M.
Leaf of Ligustrum lucidum T.S.
Chlamydomonas W.M.
Three types of Bacteria
Microzyme W.M.
Planaria T.S.
Earthworm T.S.
Root tip of Allium cepa  L.S.
Mitosis of animal Sec.
Nostoc commune  W.M.
Eggs of Taenia solium  W.M.
Fly wing 
Leaf of Pinus T.S.
Plasmodesmus Sec.
Conjugation of Spirogyra W.M.
Simple-cell of egg of Frog Sec.
Spore of Equisetum arvense W.M.
Nostoc W.M.
Lichen Sec.
Polliondium of Funaria  L.S.
Honeybee wing 
Letter "上” W.M.
Funaria leaf  
Frond of Marchantia Sec.
Cyphella of Marchantia Sec.
Pollen germination  W.M.
Ovary of Lilium T.S.
Matuer anther of Lilium T.S.
Flower of Capsella bursa-pastoris W.M.
Pollen of Brassica campestris var.oleifera W.M.
Leaf of Jasminum nudiflorum T.S.
Simple squamous epithelium Sec. 
Stratified squamous epithelium Sec.
Skin of Human(show hair follicle) Sec.
Skin of Human(show sweat gland) Sec.
Dense connective tissue(Tendon L.S.)Sec.
Loose connective tissue W.M.
Blood of Human smear
Skeletal muscle  L.S.
Smooth muscle islolated W.M.
Cardiac muscle Sec.
Motor end plate W.M.
Spinal cord T.S. 
Nerves trunk L.S.
Corpus  ventriculi Sec.
Kidney of L.S.
Artery and vein Sec.
Intestine of T.S.
Ciliated epithelium of gill  T.S.
Lymph node Sec.
Lung Sec.
Pancreas  T.S.
Testis T.S.
Ovary of  Sec.
Sperm of smear
Agaricus Sec.
Volvox W.M.
Aspergillus W.M.
Seed of Zea mays L.S.
Leaf of Hydrilla verticillata  L.S.
Epidermal cells of Animal W.M.
Bone cell Sec.
Fly leg 
Hydra L.S.
Hydra T.S.
Ascaris C.S.
Pollen-carrying leg of Honeybee W.M. 
Mouthpart of Honeybee W.M.
Mouthpart of Housefly W.M.
Large intestinal T.S.
Mouthpart of Mosquito W.M.
Escherichia coli smear
Rotifera W.M.
Letter "e" W.M.
Epiderm of Allium W.M.
Spirogyra W.M.
Epithelium cells of cavitas oris of HumanW.M.
Zygote of Ascarid lumbricoide W.M.
Rhizopus W.M.
Chromosome of human W.M.
Meiosis of Grasshopper Sec.

50PCs slides including:
编号 Chinese Name Enlish name
1 植物根尖纵切 Root tip of plant L.S.
2 植物幼根横切 Young root of plantT.S.
3 顶芽纵切 Apical bud L.S.
4 南瓜茎纵切 Stem of Cucurbita moschata L.S.
5 单子叶植物茎横切 Stem of monocotyledon T.S.
6 双子叶植物茎横切 Stem of dicotyledon T.S
7 木本双子叶植物茎横切 Stem of xylophyta dicotyledon T.S.
8 蚕豆叶下表皮装片 Lower epiderm of leaf of horsebean W.M.
9 青霉装片 Penicillium W.M.
10 衣藻装片 Chlamydomonas W.M.
11 细菌三型涂片 Three types of Bacteria
12 水螅纵切 Hydra T.S.
13 蚯蚓横切 Earthworm T.S.
14 植物细胞有丝分裂 Root tip of Allium cepa  L.S.
15 动物细胞有丝分裂 Mitosis of animal Sec.
16 松叶横切 Leaf of Pinus T.S.
17 水绵接合生殖装片 Conjugation of Spirogyra W.M.
18 地衣切片 Lichen Sec.
19 曲霉装片 Aspergillus W.M.
20 蕨叶切片 Sporophyll of Pteridium  Sec.
21 花粉萌发装片 Pollen germination  W.M.
22 百合子房切片 Ovary of Lilium T.S.
23 百合花药切片 Matuer anther of Lilium T.S.
24 迎春叶横切 Leaf of Jasminum nudiflorum T.S.
25 单层扁平上皮 Simple squamous epithelium Sec. 
26 复层扁平上皮 Stratified squamous epithelium Sec.
27 纤维结缔组织装片(腱纵切) Dense connective tissue(Tendon L.S.)Sec.
28 疏松结缔组织装片 Loose connective tissue W.M.
29 人血涂片 Blood of Human smear
30 骨骼肌纵切 Skeletal muscle  L.S.
31 平滑肌分离装片 Smooth muscle islolated W.M.
32 心肌纵切 Cardiac muscle Sec.
33 运动神经元装片 Motor end plate W.M.
34 神经干横切 Nerves trunk L.S.
35 脊髓横切 Spinal cord T.S. 
36 胃壁切片 Corpus  ventriculi Sec.
37 肾脏纵切 Kidney of   L.S.
38 动静脉血管横切 Artery and vein Sec.
39 小肠切片 Intestine of  T.S.
40 肺切片 Lung Sec.
41 胰腺切片 Pancreas  T.S.
42 精巢切片 Testis T.S.
43 卵巢切片 Ovary of  Sec.
44 精虫涂片 Sperm of smear
45 根霉装片 Rhizopus W.M.
46 伞蕈切片 Agaricus Sec.
47 玉米种子纵切 Seed of Zea mays L.S.
48 洋葱鳞片叶表皮装片 Onion skin 
49 口腔上皮细胞装片 Epithelium cells of cavitas oris of HumanW.M.
50 蛔虫卵装片 Zygote of Ascarid lumbricoide W.M.

25pcs slides including:

1 Root tip of plant L.S.
2 Apical bud L.S.
3 Stem of Cucurbita moschata L.S.
4 Stem of xylophyta dicotyledon T.S.
5 Penicillium W.M.
6 Three types of Bacteria
7 Root tip of Allium cepa  L.S.
8 Mitosis of animal Sec.
9 Leaf of Jasminum nudiflorum T.S.
10 Simple squamous epithelium W.M.
11 Dense connective tissue Sec.
12 Loose connective tissue W.M.
13 Blood of Human smear
14 Skeletal muscle L.S.& T.S.
15 Smooth muscle islolated W.M.
16 Cardiac muscle Sec.
17 Motor nerves original W.M.
18 Medium-sized artety and vein and nerves T.S.
19 Intestine  T.S.
20 Aspergillus W.M.
21 Epiderm of Allium W.M.
22 Epithelium cells of cavitas oris of HumanW.M.
23 Rhizopus W.M.
24 Letter "e" W.M.
25 Daphnia  W.M.

10pcs including:

1. Lower epiderm of leaf of horsebean W.M.
2. Leaf of Jasminum nudiflorum T.S.
3. Pine stem C.S.
4. Microzyme W.M.
5. Paramecium
6. Zygote of Ascarid limbricoide W.M.
7. Honeybee wing
8. Blood of Human smear
9. Smooth muscle islolated W.M.
10. Lillium pollen

48 pcs Prepared Plastic Microscope Slides Biological Specimen with 4 boxes for Children Student enlighten education


Children Microscope Specimen

4 boxes including Animals Insects Plants Flowers

Color: Blue, Green, Red, Yellow

Only for Children Toy Microscope please.

1. Red box: mainly insect wings and legs

2. Green Box: mainly corn, pumpkin, onion, burdock, lotus root, etc., is the root and stem of these plants or fruit for transverse or longitudinal, fitted sheet made of special


3. Yellow box: mainly some flower petals or roots, stems, leaves, etc.

4. Blue Box: mainly some animal hair, such as: wool, cat hair, horse hair, pigeon feathers, scales, etc.

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  2. Please contact me before you return it.
  3. If item is defective in 3 months, We will send you a replacement without extra charger, or offer refund after we receive the defective item.
  4. If item is defective after 3 months, you can still send it back to us.
  5. We will send you a new one after receiving the defective item. But you have to pay the extra shipping fee.

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  3. All messages will be answered within 1 business day. If you do not receive our reply, please kindly re-sent your message and we will reply to you as soon as possible.
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  6. We believe we can produce a positive outcome to any situation and will work hard to earn your praise.

  1. We Ship to Worldwide. Please contact with us if didn't find your country.
  2. Items will be shipped within 1-10 business days on payment received.
  3. Delivery time depends on destination and other factors, it may takes up to 20 business days.