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Titolo: Songs My Family Taught Me
Condizione: Nuovo
Tipo: CD
EAN: 0799627004927
Genere: Musica per bambini, giochi e storie
John Storms-Rohm is a classical trained musician vocalist who for this album selected a broad range of songs that are perfect for kids everywhere!!!!

What John Storms-Rohm lacks in knock-you-back charisma, he makes up for with genuine, gimmick-free feeling. Skipping though Songs my Family Taught Me, one instantly falls in step with the from-the-family vibe: children's standards "Puff the Magic Dragon," "Home on the Range," and "Brahm's Lullaby" lose their same-old, same-old status when they're wedged between "La Bamba," "Three Little Birds," and "Here Comes the Sun"songs that parents might have picked up in the backseat of the family station wagon. Stick-to-what-works arrangements and solid piano work extend the appeal of Storms-Rohm's music. If he chucks the too understated vocals on his next outing, a whole lot more households will find themselves singing along to the Storms-Rohm family soundtrack. --Tammy La Gorce
Numero di dischi: 1
Artista: John Storms-Rohm
Etichetta discografica: Minty Fresh
Title Format: CD

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