TEN (10) handcrafted lampworked glass foil-lined "puffy hearts" measuring approximately 23mm in length, 17mm in width, and 20mm in depth. 

The beads start with a silver-foil covered glass heart, followed by latticino stripes, then covered with either clear or colored glass. Each bead is separated by an 8mm Czech bicone crystal.

REGARDING PACKAGING: Whenever possible, I use recycled materials for packaging. You may get your items in an box that once held packets of instant oatmeal! I like to reuse these boxes because they are lightweight and sturdy, and they are getting another life before heading to a landfill. I also reuse bubble envelopes and the like, and print receipts on the back of scrap paper. With me, everything gets a second life, so that I can continue to keep my prices low.

My return policy is: If it's good enough for me to send to you, it's good enough for me to take back.