Magnesium Sulfate or Epsom Salt is an effective product for cleansing and replenishing. Research online for benefits and uses or visit our on-site glossary for more detailed information.
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Magnesium Sulfate Heptahydrate - USP Grade Epsom Salt - Crystalline, 1kg


Magnesium Sulfate or Epsom Salt can help to regulate blood sugar, lowering the risk of an imbalance and improving overall daily energy levels. Epsom Salt has also been found to be beneficial for cleansing, muscle recovery, eletrolyte replenishing and digestion support. It is a pure white powder and has no fillers, additives or preservatives. Various sizes available for personal use and quantity discounts available on bulk-packed foods and food powders for commercial uses. Only the highest quality natural food and bulk ingredients are sourced through family-owned Prescribed For Life Nutrition. Thank you for shopping with us and please come again!

Product Details:

Size: 1 kg (2.2 lb)
Brand: Prescribed For Life
MSRP: $46.24
SKU mag-sulf-1kg