I have hundreds of back issues of beading magazines, and this listing will be dedicated to some of the special issues, unusual subscriptions, etc.  I will be adding to the stock frequently, so check back!

Most magazines are in pristine condition. Any magazine with significant flaws will be priced accordingly, and details can be found below.

Simply Beads 2005 June - address label on cover has been cut out

Jewelry Stringing 2012 Oct - front cover is warped

Simply Beads 2005 Apr - address label on cover has been cut out

Simply Beads 2005 - address label on front cover has been torn off



REGARDING PACKAGING: Whenever possible, I use recycled materials for packaging. You may get your items in an box that once held packets of instant oatmeal! I like to reuse these boxes because they are lightweight and sturdy, and they are getting another life before heading to a landfill. I also reuse bubble envelopes and the like, and print receipts on the back of scrap paper. With me, everything gets a second life, so that I can continue to keep my prices low.

My return policy is: If it's good enough for me to send to you, it's good enough for me to take back.