Red, White and Blue

by Susan Isaacs

Title : Red, White and Blue
Author : Susan Isaacs
ISBN : 0007652046

Language : English

Category : Fiction
Subject : Popular Fiction

Publication Year : 1999
Publisher : HarperCollinsPublishers
Pages : 580
Binding : Softcover
Condition : Good - remainder mark on foot edge

Product Code : 26906

Product Dimensions

Height (mm) : 182
Width (mm) : 110
Thickness (mm) : 39
Weight (grams) : 304

From Library Journal : Lauren Miller, reporter for the Jewish News, and Charlie Blair, an FBI agent in Cheyenne, WY, meet while investigating Wrath, a neo-Nazi organization located in Jackson Hole, WY. Charlie infiltrates the group as an undercover agent while Lauren interviews several Wrath members. In researching her story, Lauren learns that Charlie's life is in danger. The attitudes and actions of Wrath's members are realistic; references to Ruby Ridge, Waco, and the Oklahoma City bombing make this a timely tale.

Isaacs delivers witty, wicked satire from beginning to end. -- Entertainment Weekly
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