The Wiggles : Wiggle Bay

by Jodie Polutele

Title : The Wiggles : Wiggle Bay
Author : Jodie Polutele
ISBN : 9780733326424

Language : English

Category : Fiction
Subject : Childrens Fiction - Early Readers (2-5 years)

Publication Year : 2009
Publisher : HarperCollinsPublishers
Pages : 20
Binding : Softcover
Condition : Brand New

Product Code : 22476

Product Dimensions

Height (mm) : 205
Width (mm) : 205
Thickness (mm) : 3
Weight (grams) : 88

It's a sunny summer's day as The Wiggles and their friends go to Wiggle Bay. Wags the Dog, Dorothy the Dinosaur, Captain Feathersword and Henry the Octopus all bring along their favourite toys for the best day at the beach they have ever had!
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