Earth Fire (The Survivalist #9)

by Jerry Ahern

Title : Earth Fire (The Survivalist #9)
Author : Jerry Ahern
ISBN : 0821729381

Language : English

Category : Fiction
Subject : Popular Fiction

Publication Year : 1989
Publisher : Kensington Publishing
Imprint : Zebra Books
Pages : 240
Binding : Softcover
Condition : Brand New

Product Code : 5340

Product Dimensions

Height (mm) : 175
Width (mm) : 105
Thickness (mm) : 14
Weight (grams) : 130

The Russians, consolidating their brutal hold on America... are planning an act so vicious...

Though Rourke has finally found his family, it will be a short reunion if he can't find a way to survive the Earth Fire. When all of humanity is about to burn in a hell of its own creation, it will be the final - and perhaps fatal - test of Rourke's skills as... THE SURVIVALIST.
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