Never Cross a Vampire (A Toby Peters Mystery) Paperback

by Stuart M. Kaminsky

Title : Never Cross a Vampire (A Toby Peters Mystery) Paperback
Author : Stuart M. Kaminsky
ISBN : 9780743407137

Language : English

Category : Fiction
Subject : Popular Fiction

Publication Year : 2000
Publisher : ibooks
Pages : 216
Binding : Softcover
Condition : Brand New

Product Code : 24899

Product Dimensions

Height (mm) : 190
Width (mm) : 135
Thickness (mm) : 15
Weight (grams) : 210

The time is January 1942, and Toby Peters' services have just been retained by the private eye's strangest client: Bela Lugosi, who, over a decade after frightening millions of Americans with his depiction of the notorious Count Dracula, is now being stalked by a very real, very deadly, all-too-human creature of darkness intent on punishing the fading actor for perceived slights made against the vapiric race. Before Peters can get a handle on the situation, though, his business suddenly doubles in sound and fury when William Faulkner, the nation's most distinguished author gone Hollywood, is accused of killing a movie agent he hardly knew. Can even Peters find the connection between the two cases before he falls prey to the sinister machinations of the children of the night...?
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