This sale is for Gylfi Gíslason
This is a rare Icelandic book (published in 2008) with DVD-R

Paperback, 10.5 x 8.5 inches, 233 pages

Gylfi Gíslason myndlistarmaður var afkastamikill og kom furðuvíða við sem listamaður, hönnuður og fjölmiðlamaður. Hann féll sviplega frá í febrúar 2006, daginn áður en hann átti að taka við Íslensku bókmenntaverðlaununum. Í bókinni er ævi hans og listferill rakinn og birtur fjöldi ljósmynda og mynda af verkum hans. Bókin er gefin út í samstarfi við Óhemju. (Heimild: Bókatíðindi)

Gylfi Gíslason visual artist was productive and came across as an artist, designer and media artist. He resigned in February 2006, the day before he was to receive the Icelandic Literature Prize. The book traces his life and artistic career, and displays numerous photographs and images of his works. The book is published in collaboration with Óhemja.

Gylfi Gíslason, a cartoonist and artist, is aged sixty-five. Gylfi was born in Reykjavik on December 19, 1940. He was soon married in his home, at Skólastræti in Reykjavik, last September. Wednesday.

Gylfi studied at the School of Visual Arts in Reykjavik, before completing a degree in a carpentry workshop at the Reykjavík Business School. Gylfi held numerous private and collective exhibitions from 1971, taught drawing, directed exhibitions and operated galleries, illustrated books and magazines, and designed plays. He wrote reviews in newspapers and did radio and television feature writing as well as scriptwriting.

Gylfi was nominated for the Edda Prize 2005 together with Þrikrik Ch. Emilsson, in the TV show of the year, for the episode "Outlines" which dealt with Icelandic visual artists.

Gylfi was one of the authors of the Kjarval work published by the Nes edition last year and received the 2005 Icelandic Literature Prize in the category of scholarly publications and publications on February 2.

Gylfa's wife was Unnur G. Thorkelsdóttir, they divorced. Their children are Margrét Thora, Kristín Edda, Unnur Kristbjörg, Freyja and Thorkell Snorri. Sister Gylfa is Kristín Eiríka Gísladóttir.