NEW Girls Carter’s, The Children’s Place, and Disney Assorted Unicorn T-Shirts, assorted styles & colors

AVAILABLE SIZES: 4, 5-6, 7-8, 8, 10, 12 

Condition is New with tags, Mint Condition! (the "Disney Store Minnie" has no tag, but is still in new, mint condition)


1) The Children's Place - FLEUR PINK has twin unicorns with sparkles in the shape of a heart

2) The Children's Place - CHARM PINK has a white unicorn with sprinkles and a tie dye rainbow mane

3) The Children's Place - WHITE tee with gold glitter & peach dancing unicorn and “dance dance dance”  

4) The Children's Place - WHITE tee with oversized unicorn profile in glittery pink & purples & teal, stars & hearts

5) The Children's Place - WHITE unicorn tee with Red, White & Blue “LOVE” patriotic stars & stripes

6) OshKosh B'Gosh - PURPLE tee with "Discover Your Unicorn Name?"

7) Carter's - DARK PINK tee with unicorn face & jeweled horn

8) Carter's - PINK tee with Flip Sequins unicorn (colors change when sequins are flipped up [pink] or down [silver])

9) Carter's - MAGENTA tee with gold & silver unicorns & stars and MADE OF STARS AND MAGIC”

10) Carter's - PINK/PEACH long-sleeve tee with large unicorn & silver glittery horn, butterflies and stars

11) Carter's - WHITE long-sleeve tee with pegasus floral mane & tail

12) Disney - PINK tee with Minnie Mouse wearing a unicorn horn & raised puffy pink sparkly unicorns throughout

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