We can supply you a VW T5/T6 M1 'monte Carlo' tested bed in many different colours & also stitch patterns to match your style & your colour scheme for your camper. Collection only 

Please see some of the patterns we can do & the different colours above. We can also supply fabric for your front seats at an extra cost. 

Included in this deal; 

- M1 tested frame 
- Bed board 
- Foam
- Fully upholstered cushions
- Seat belts 
- Fitting kit
- Wide range of colours to choose from 
- A range of design patterns to pick from 

Length - 6ft 
Width - 3 1/2ft (43 inches / 112cm)

COLLECTION ONLY! The frame & cushions will come separate. You will have to fix the cushions to the frame yourself.