Beauty and strong shining near Tesla coil or plasma ball! Just look at the photos! They are real.

Photo 3 and 4 shows how its connection and scheme of outputs. But just for glowing to light the tube - can use neon transformer even most weak, also Tesla coil and other power supplies from 450V

General information

The spectral glow discharge lamp with a hollow cathode LT-2 is intended for use as a radiation source for the spectra of various chemical elements in atomic resonance spectrophotometry equipment operating in continuous and pulsed modes.

Ignition voltage of various elements: all not more than 450V
Power supply voltage with current ripple coefficient not more than 1%, V: 500
Duration of current pulses, µs: 20-1700
Duty cycle of current pulses, rel.units: 1-10


Voltage of working; The ratio of the emission intensity of the control spectral line to the background intensity, rel. units.; Average lamp discharge current; Operating hours of lamps, not less

Cu - 270V;  100;  19-21mA;  100h
Ta - 220V;  10;  24-26mA;  100h
Nb - 200V;  10;  24-26mA;  100h
Au - 270V;  100;  9-11mA;  250h
Pd - 220V;  30;  19-21mA;  150h
Pt-Ir - 300V;  60:20;  19-21mA;  150h
V - 220V;  100;  29-31mA;  100h
Ni - 270V;  30;  29-31mA;  100h
Fe - 270V;  30;  29-31mA;  100h
Al - 290V;  100;  14-16mA;  250h
W - 250V;  30;  24-26mA;  150h
Ti - 230V;  20;  19-21mA;  150h
Ag - 260V;  100;  9-11mA;  250h
Mn - 260V;  8;  24-26mA;  200h
Zn - 260V;  30;  24-26mA;  100h
Si - 260V;  20;  24-26mA;  100h
Mo - 250V;  30;  14-16mA;  150h
B - 270V;  20;  19-21mA;  100h
Ge - 250V;  50;  19-21mA; 100h
Cr - 250V;  50;  19-21mA;  250h
Co - 270V;  20;  19-21mA;  100h
Mq - 250V;  50;  19-21mA;  150h
Zr - 200V;  10;  24-26mA;  100h
Re - 250V;  3;  24-26mA;  100h
Pt-Rh - 250V;  40(Rh);  19-21mA;  75h
Pt-Ru - 250V;  15(Ru);  19-21mA;  75h
Dy - 250V;  10;  14-16mA;  100h
Ho - 250V;  15;  14-16mA;  100h
Tb - 250V;  4;  14-16mA;  100h
Y - 250V;  15;  14-16mA;  100h
Yb - 250V;  50;  7-9mA;  100h
Ca - 180V;  80;  24-26mA;  150h
Ba - 180V;  10;  24-26mA;  150h
Li - 200V;  30;  19-21mA;  150h
Be - 250V;  30;  19-21mA  150h
Sr - 180V;  60;  19-21mA;  150h
Hf - 200V;  5;  19-21mA;  150h
Sm - 250V;  4;  11-13mA;  200h
D2 - 320V;  5;  19-21mA;  100h
U238 - 230V;  8;  14-16mA;  100h
Er - 250V;  10;  9-11mA;  100h
Nd - 240V;  10;  14-16mA;  100h
Eu - 230V;  20;  9-11mA;  100h
Gd - 250V;  3;  19-21mA;  100h
Sc - 250V;  50;  9-11mA;  100h
La - 250V;  3;  19-21mA;  100h
Lи - 250V;  20;  9-11mA;  100h
Tm - 250V;  20;  14-16mA;  100h
Sn - 250V;  50;  14-16mA;  175h
Pв - 250V;  100;  9-11mA;  250h

Lamp operating position: horizontal