Austria - Spain JOINT Issue 


MNH ~ Miniature Sheet ! 

The Margarita Teresa's parents were King Philip IV of Spain and Maria Anna of Austria. Her marriage to her uncle and cousin Leopold I was long negotiated and planned. On this occasion, the court of Madrid had three paintings by Diego Velázquez Send to Vienna showing the little Infanta at the age of three, five and eight years. 1666 met the 15-year-old bride in Vienna and the wedding was celebrated with much pomp. 

Shortly after the birth of her sixth child, the young Empress Margarita Teresa died at the age of only 21 years in Vienna.

Leopold I founded with this marriage later in the context of the Spanish War of Succession his claim to Spain
Diego Rodríguez de Silva y Velázquez was born in Seville in 1599, one of the spiritual and cultural centers of the country. He started early apprenticed to the painter Francisco Herrera. then in the studio of Francisco Pacheco. 1618 Velázquez married his daughter and began to work as an independent artist. 

1622 Velázquez went to Madrid, where he was given the opportunity to paint the 17-year-old Philip IV. 1623 Velázquez emerged as a court painter in the service of the Spanish king.

Among the four court painters Velázquez could acquire with time the unique primacy. 
A meeting with Rubens at Velázquez solved the wish to see in Italy the works of the great Italian painters. 1629 to 1631 he traveled to Italy to make copies of the Spanish court. During his stay, originated by Italian masters inspired works. On his return to Madrid he created thanks to its powerful workshop in which his son also worked countless works. 

He also designing many buildings of the King was transferred. Specialty of Velázquez were the Pictures tab and next to the portraits of the ruling family and the the Hofzwerge and fool that he painted with the same sensitivity. 
late 1648 Velázquez went on behalf of the king back to Italy to acquire works of art for a new art school. . Returned in 1651 to Madrid, required the second marriage of the Spanish King to Maria Anna of Austria its activities as court painter 
Velázquez, one of the greatest portrait painters of all time, died on August 6, 1660 in Madrid
Both brand images of this joint issue with Spain
Museo del Prado, Madrid: The Royal Family of Felipe IV 

Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna: Infanta Margarita in blue dress.

 Year: 2009.
