Learn your camera’s creative modes and say “Goodbye to Auto”!

This exciting "virtual" course will help you understand and teach you 35mm photography by learning just two camera modes!  That's right – two camera modes that will take care of 90% of your photographic subjects!  You will be taught the basic recipe known as “the photographer's triangle” while learning your 35mm DSLR camera, your “tool” to creating and capturing your art with hands-on instruction.  Our goal is to get off the “auto everything” settings and learn to gain creative control of our camera.  This course is designed to help you improve your photography and become a skilled artist by learning the “art and science” of 35mm photography and also boost your confidence.

This "virtual" Zoom course is 3 hours in length.  All you need to do is "buy it now" and once payment and your email is received, I will send you a Zoom link invite scheduled around a convenient date and time.  All you would need to do is be sure to use the latest Zoom platform and click on the link at the scheduled date and time.  This course is a virtual course using Powerpoint and lecture.  The student has the opportunity to ask questions and get answers. Assignments are included for critique.  I have been a lifelong learning instructor since 2006, a graduate of the New York Institute of Photography and a student at the Rhode Island School of Design.  To learn more about me, your instructor, go to this link:


Thanks for visiting and hope to see your creative artwork!
