A magnificent Report of the 20th New York Infantry Regiment

A compiled report of 20th New York Infantry Regiment 170 pages pack full of a mountain of interesting facts and information on the movements of this regiment during the Civil War, complete with Regiment Roster. With images of some of the soldiers that fought with this Regiment and their grave sites. This is a great source to supplement your genealogy research.

 Please contact me with a name of a soldier that fought with this Regiment and I will try to add information on him to the report.

If you have information on this regiment that you would like to add to this report (Pictures, letters, pension records etc.) Please contact me and I will check to see if I already have it. Thank you.

This report was compiled by MTS Regiment Reports in 2020 from the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, these series were the first publication of the military records of the Civil War embracing all obtainable documents.

 A Compendium of the War of the Rebellion by Frederick H. Dryer, Regimental Losses in the American Civil War (1861-1865) by William F. Fox, The Medical and Surgical History of the Rebellion, The Union Army Illustrated, and Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States and other hard to find research materials. This report could lead you to other areas to continue your search into the Civil War and ancestors that could have fought in that great conflict. Many Civil War artifact collectors have used these reports to add some authenticity to their artifact.

 Go back into time and read about their victories and hardships during the great conflict. Read the commanding Generals orders, battle movements and casualty reports.

Don't let this one slip away.

If this is not the Regiment you are looking for please contact me for more available Regiments.