This is a combination of 4 cleansers and detoxifying alkaline herb packages which target different parts of the body.  Also included is 2 packages of the HSV Herbal Supplement. This is to be used after you have totally cleansed and detoxified. When you purchase this package there is a saving of over $60.00 if bought separately. Not only that, taking these herbs in combination will provide the body with a deeper cleanse to remove mucus, toxins and other viruses which may be causing health issues.  

Alkaline Blood Cleanser

"Dr. Sebi inspired" Similar to Bio Ferro. This formula is designed to cleanse the blood, liver and kidneys.  Contains alkaline herbs to relieve pressure placed on the body’s nutrient delivery system, the blood.  100 # 0 vegan capsules packed with alkaline herbs for optimal results. Ingredients: Sarsaparilla, Chaparral, Burdock, Yellow dock, Nopal, Elderberry, Nettle.  Chaparral addresses respiratory issues like colds and bronchitis.  Sarsaparilla has been used to bind with toxins, anti inflammatory, treat skin issues.  Burdock and Yellow dock cleans the blood, liver and kidneys. Nettle is a health tonic and blood purifier. Nopal has antioxidants to reverse situations with  high cholesterol, obesity, viral infections. Elderberry is used to for colds, allergies and remove mucus from the respiratory system.

Detox Gut and Cell Cleanser similar to Chelation 1&2

This formula is designed to cleanse and repair the cells in the digestive tract. It helps to rebalance the flora which keeps harmful bacteria under control. These herbs are used to restore the health of the digestive tract which in turn aids in restoring the balance of the whole body. These herb combinations can increase daily bowel movement. Package contains 100 #0 vegetarian capsules with alkaline herbs. Ingredients: Cascara Sagrada, Prodigiosa, Rhubarb Root, Blessed Thistle. 

Lymphatic Cleanser similar to Lymphalin

Lymphatic Cleanser is similar to Lymphalin.  This product removes calcification build up from the lymphatic system in the body. This product is rich in natural mineral gold which is essential to the body and aids in the break-up of calcification. Ingredients: Burdock root, Bursera simaruba, Hydrangea root, Red clover.

Intra Cellular Cleanse & Detox

"Dr. Sebi inspired" This formula is similar to Dr.Sebi’s Chelation 1 & 2 combined.  For health and support of the intestine and immune system. Contains alkaline herbs to support cleansing the digestive tract. Helps to restore balance and health in aiding and removing waste by increasing bowel movements. 100 # 0 vegan capsules packed with alkaline herbs for general health. Ingredients:  Burdock Root, Yellow dock Root, Sarsaparilla, Cascarsa Sagrada, Elderberry, Hydrangea root, Red Clover.  Burdock Root has been used to remove toxins, as a blood purifier, stimulate kidney function.  Elderberry has been used to for colds, and allergies by removing mucus from the respiratory system. Cascara Sagrada is primarily used as a laxative, helps to restore health to the intestine.  Red Clover breaks up calcification and cleanse the lymph of fluid waste.  Hydrangea Root dissolve the calcium deposits found in the soft tissue.   


HSV Herbal Supplement

Please do not use this product until you have done a complete cleanse and detox. In order to get the best results, the body must be free of toxins, mucus and other radicals that cause the virus to survive. You must make it inhospitable for the herpes simplex virus to survive in the body.  The only way to do this is to get the body from an acidic to an alkaline state.  The detox and cleanse package will help in removing toxins, mucus and other radicals from the body. This package will help to nourish the body back to health after cleanse and detox.

Free shipping within the continental US.  This product usually ships within 1-3 business days.  Ships  with USPS Priority Mail.

"This product has not been evaluated by the FDA, Consult your physician before use. This product is not intended to treat, cure, diagnose or prevent any disease"