As smart home technology evolves, the Smart Internet Security Firewall from CUJO has evolved as well. This Internet security firewall is designed to protect your smart home devices such as cameras, thermostats, and smart doorbells against outside intrusion from hackers looking to find a backdoor into your network. In addition to protecting smart home devices, CUJO also protects your computers, smartphones, tablets, and other network devices, thanks to built-in machine learning capabilities. Setup is simple; plug the CUJO Internet Security Firewall in to your existing Wi-Fi router and, with the dedicated CUJO app available for iOS and Android devices, you have complete control over your network security from virtually anywhere.

Internet Security FirewallCUJO detects and blocks malicious sites, viruses, and hacks.Peace of Mind OnlineKeep your home or business safe from phishing, malware, webcam hacks, and other cyber threats.Secure All DevicesOne CUJO will protect and control all your home devices, from laptops to smartphones.Parental ControlsDeny access to inappropriate sites and apps, manage access schedules, and set time limits. Apply access policies to any or all devices.Safeguard Your FamilyA hacker can gain access to your home by tampering with your Wi-Fi router, hacking a smartphone, or planting malicious malware in an Internet of Things device like a camera, thermostat, or smart doorbell.Ensure PrivacyA hacker can trick you into visiting a malicious site and gain access to your email account, hack your cameras, and steal your photos.Control with Your PhoneBoth iOS and Android smartphone apps put you in control of your security at all times.Connect to Your RouterConnect CUJO to the Wi-Fi router in Bridge or DHCP mode. Blazing Fast - built with 1 GB Ethernet, CUJO will not slow down your network.

Cujo Smart Internet Security Home Firewall Hacker Virus Protection. Shipped with UPS Ground.