Maharart Chakru Sanae Coin

by Phra Arjarn O, Phetchabun

Maharart Chakru Sanae Coin.

(Material: Most Magnificent Magic Coin) by Phra Arjarn O, Phetchabun.

The Most Holy Coin From The Most Holy Metal Of The World.!!

Whatever Yant Exist On This Coin Will Be More Powerful & Stronger Than Normal 1,000 Times!!

This coin has many special items behind as follows:

-Emperor Takrud. (Set.1)

-Emperor Takrud. (Set.2)

-Emperor Takrud. (Set.3)

-Origin Of Wealth Of 4 Directions Takrud.

-Kru Ma Har Karn Takrud.

-Itthije Powder & Maharart Powder.

-Coquettishing Ball.

The Prestige Of Most Magnificent Magic Coin Material.

If we are talking about the cost of the materials for making this coin, we can say that it is “Values Beyond Price.” However, Phra Arjarn O has high intention to make one more version of magic coin to be legendary as superb as his 1th batch coin so, he is happy to do this coin even the price for sale is cheaper than the price of materials.

Phra Arjarn O took all of his beloved holy metals that he has collected more than 20 years to melt together for being the material of this “Most Magnificent Magic Coin”. Those materials already proved and verified to be “Very Holy & Very Powerful” by Phra Arjarn O. If compare the price of this coin with the cost of materials follows economic principle, it is loss instead of profitable because the cost of materials is more than 7 digits already. However, Phra Arjarn O said that he makes this coin not because he wants many people buy it but, he just wants only the person who really believe in him have it.

There are many holy metals were melted together to be this coin such as:

-Phra Kring by Pra Sangkarach Pae, Wat Suthat.

-Phra Kring by Jao Khun Sri Sonthi, Wat Suthat.

-Phra Kring by Tun Jao Mar, Wat Sam Plume.

-A lot of amulets made from holy metals from many old famous masters.

-Holy metals that left from the blessing ceremony of Phra Kring Pawaret made by Phaya Pawaret, Wat Bowon Niwet.

-Old amulets made of mystical metal more than 100 pieces.

-Holy metals from many ceremonies.

-Holy metals that Phra Arjarn O inherited from his teachers.

-Holy metals that high class people offered to Phra Arjarn O.

-Holy metals from the ceremony of building “First Lord Buddha Stops Ocean, Height 227 Centimeters” on 18 March 2018.

Most of people will place importance on the famous amulet because of its expensive price but, Phra Arjarn O will place importance on the materials that were used to make that famous amulet. Therefore, Phra Arjarn O likes to collect the holy materials especially metallic substance from many auspicious ceremonies from every temple of Thailand because those holy materials from each auspicious ceremony already have holy power fully remain inside itself. When Phra Arjarn O take those holy materials to make his amulet, that amulet will be “Good Inside & Good Outside” even Phra Arjarn O does not bless magic yet.

PS: Only 50 pcs available for rent.

Front side is Phra Arjarn O's Image (1st batch coin model) consisted of various Yants as follows:

-Outer area is “Katha Buddha stopped the bowman” that good for weapon protection and being invulnerable.

-Inner area is “Emperor Code” that good for supporting authority, power and destiny.

-Beside left ear is “Yant Itthirit”. (Supernatural Power)

-Beside right ear is “Yant Nor Mo Yoot Pai”. (Nor Mo Stop Dangers)

Back side was written with “Maharart Chakru Sanae”.

-The great Subject Of “High-Class Charm” and “Progress. "Maharart Chakru Sanae" is the superior level of Maharart Yant. This Yant has outstanding power on charm & attraction. Moreover, "Maharart Chakru Sanae" is superior than "Itthije" also because it can support the devotee in case of wealth & luck too. Specially, Phra Arjarn O also transferred the power of "Ultimate Maharart Powder" to remain inside the "Maharart Chakru Sanae" Yant of this coin by using special magical method.

Phra Arjarn O & his excellent disciples are making "Ultimate Maharart Powder" that is the necessary tool for “Mahar Patoom Holy Water”. This holy water will recuperating life to be better & eliminate misfortune by the holy power of 5 Buddha’s virtues. "Maharart Chakru Sanae Coin" also was soaked in this holy water too so, this coin already received the power from "Ultimate Maharart Powder" & “Mahar Patoom Holy Water” extremely.

"Maharart Chakru Sanae Coin" is in the “Mahar Patoom Holy Water”. Who has this coin will be superior than everyone, being the prince or princess of everybody. After that, this coin will be encased with various special items in the waterproof casing together.

Coquettishing Ball.

-Its duty is controlling & centralizing the power direction of "Maharart Chakru Sanae Coin" to be straight like as the arrow from the bow that will support the prayer to accomplish successful wish faster & more effective. So, this "Maharart Chakru Sanae Coin" with "Coquettishing Ball" is very recommend for the person who already has targeted person or targeted point to use with.

The holy silver Takrud that Phra Arjarn O wrote & anointed holy powder before continuously blessing since "Wai Kru Ceremony 2019". There are 5 types of Takrud as follows:

-Emperor Takrud. (Set.1)

-Emperor Takrud. (Set.2)

-Emperor Takrud. (Set.3)

-Origin Of Wealth Of 4 Directions Takrud.

-Kru Ma Har Karn Takrud.

Emperor Takrud. (Set.1)

-Each Takrud was written with “Emperor Code” that good for supporting authority, power and destiny.

Emperor Takrud. (Set.2)

-Each Takrud was written with “Emperor Code” that good for supporting authority, power and destiny.

Emperor Takrud. (Set.3)

-Each Takrud was written with “Emperor Code” that good for supporting authority, power and destiny.

Origin Of Wealth Of 4 Directions Takrud.

-The Thai name of this Yant is "Jut-Tu-Lo-Bung-Kert-Sub". It is one of well-known Yant that many people know how good is it but, less people know how to write and bless it to be powerful correctly. The ability of this Yant is very good to call money & luck, boosting sale, increase business opportunities and maintain financial status to be stable and rising. In the magic scripture described about this Yant that "If This Yant Was Written On Silver Plate, A Ton Of Money Will Come. If This Yant Was Written On Gold Plate, A Ton Of Gold Will Come."

Moreover, When Thai people who believes in magic want to build a home, they will ask the magic master to write this Yant on silver plate & gold plate and bury it together with the main post of home also.

Kru Ma Har Karn Takrud.

-This Yant will protect the devotee from enigma, destroy black magic, expel scary ghost and suppress any dangers and accident. It will eliminate obstacles and barrier that may be a cause of poverty.

Emperor Takrud. (Set.1), Emperor Takrud. (Set.2), Emperor Takrud. (Set.3), Origin Of Wealth Of 4 Directions Takrud and Kru Ma Har Karn Takrud were rolled to be one together for placing at the back of "Maharart Chakru Sanae Coin".

Itthije Powder” mixed together with “Maharart Powder” that already passed through writing & erasing on chalkboard more than 100 times.

Itthije Powder. (Phra Kru Baideekarkliang Recipe)

-Phra Arjarn O made it followed the recipe of "Phra Kru Baideekarkliang",the skillful monk who is very professional and expert in "Itthije Powder". He used marl mixed with some mystical materials to be a pencil and then wrote on chalkboard. He was chanting spell during writing Yant on the chalkbord until resulted to be "Itthije Powder" which is one of the most charming holy chalkboard powder.

"Itthije Powder" of Phra Kru Baideekarkliang has been praised to be the no.1 of "Itthije Powder". There is a story that when he was writing Yant of the chalkboard, the holy chalkbord powder on it can move like as walking ant. The most famous amulet that he used "Itthije Powder" as main material is "Phra Phong Keeb Bua" (petal of the lotus blossom). Merchant and seller always find his amulet for hangling on neck because there are many experiences, some sellers sell all items very fast and some shops get a lot of customer check in.

Phra Arjarn O said that “When talking about charming amulet, if that amulet has no Itthije Powder, that amulet will be not truly charm. Like as candy that can not be a delicious candy if that candy did not contain with sugar.”

“Itthije Powder” is the great charming powder that is really good in case of charm and attraction. LP.Sanguan, Wat Paipunmue also used this “Itthije Powder” to make his amulet until people states his amulet that “Even old whore can find a good husband.”

Moreover, the famous singer and actor in the former times also used “Itthije Powder” before they perform on the floor. There is a legendary Likay actor named “Mr.Dork Din” who is the great magic master and famous Likay actor about 50 years ago. People believed that Mr.Dork Din succeed in special charming magic subject especially, “Itthije Powder” because his voice could make all audiences fascinate him and which girl who made eye contact with him will always dream of him.

Maharart Powder.

-The Fantastic Power Of “Maharart Powder”.

Since the ancient time, the magic masters who studies magic subjects and make amulets will always make and collect Holy Chalkboard Powder which named “The 5 Holy Powders”, it is 5 types of special writing & erasing holy powder consist of Pattamung powder, Maharart powder, Itthije powder, Trinisinghe powder, and Putthakhun powder. They have to make these holy powder because it is the initial material for making amulet in the future. However, when the magic masters want to make an amulet, “Maharart Powder” will be used as a material a little bit only because “Maharart Powder” is the holy powder that is the most complex and difficult to make when comparing with the others 4 powder.

The ancient magic scripture said that “Who Has Maharart Powder Will Be Charming Like As Handsome Prince & Beautiful Princess, Always Be Loving By All Gods & Deity Spirits. This Powder Is Truly Fantastic & Functional.”

-“Maharart Powder” can be used to mix with beeswax to rub on lips, whoever talks with you will fall in love with you and your voice will be fascinating in the audience’s ear.

-“Maharart Powder” can be used to mix with ripe areca-nut, whoever eats it love you a lot.

-“Maharart Powder” can be used to drop into the water jar, whoever drinks that water will be infatuated.

-“Maharart Powder” can be used to mix with food, whoever eats that food will love you like as father and mother love their children.

-“Maharart Powder” can be used to spread upon a flower, whoever smells that flower will be attracted by your charm.

These 5 functions just a few benefit of “Maharart Powder” that were described in the magic scripture only.

The Fantastic Four. These 4 items will be in the casing together before release for rent.

The package will be shipped from Thailand via E-PACET Registered Airmail,
Free! tracking number, and it will take about 14-28 business days.

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