Welcome To Jack's Stuff Emporium, where you never know what you'll find. Up For sale Jack has this   Photograph of Estate Coastal Dr. Frank LaFay Neubauer (A4L) Los Angeles Artist

Dr. Frank LaFay Neubauer was a dentist and artist active in Los Angeles, California. He was born in 1864 and studied at the Ohio Mechanics’ Institute and the Art Academy of Cincinnati and was known for landscape painting, illustration, lithography, art instruction and photography. See my other listings for photographs, etchings and drypoint.

NOTE: the number in the title and/or description in parenthesis for inventory   purposes only.

Please see the pictures. Pictures are a large part of the description and while   Jack will usually describe essential details occasionally elements are missed. If you see something you are concerned with please feel free to inquire. Jack has cellular devices tethered to his body and will usually respond very quickly.