Scientific Name : Mentha pulegium
Harvest : July 2024
Expiration Date: Provided on the bag

Pennyroyal is a treasure

The aromatic wild Mint is known in our country as Fliskouni. Pennyroyal belongs to the genus Mint.

Perennial plant, native, reaches a height of 60 cm, with erect shoots, lanceolate, opposite, serrated, 
fluffy leaves and flowers in small ears of pink, purple and white flowers. We find it in temperate climates, 
in poor soils, sunny places and near ravines.

It blooms from June to August and its leaves are used in pharmacy, and the flowers in perfumery. 
Both parts, however, are used as a flavoring in cooking and confectionery.


Contains the largest amounts of menthol of all types of mint, menthol, tannins, tocopherols, flavonoids, choline, alcohols

 and other trace elements and minerals.

Although Hippocrates had some disagreements about its soothing properties, everyone agreed (Galen, Dioscorides, Chinese, Mediterranean peoples) 

in its use to treat colds, coughs, dysmenorrhea, dizziness, nausea, and vomiting. .

It is considered: expectorant, anti-rain, anti-asthmatic, anti-arthritic, anti-rheumatic, anticoagulant, diuretic, anti-diarrheal, gastric, antispasmodic,

anesthetic. It is also thought to promote menstruation. It is also used for abortions.

It is used as a sedative for weightlifting, nervous disorders and gastritis.

Suitable for smokers to clear the lungs. The blister should not be taken in strong doses and for long periods of time.

The favorite drink on the icy nights of young and old men and women was the decoction of the blister. 
Some boiled with the blossoming but dried shoots and a red hot pepper. So this drink became "quite hot" and extremely warming

 for those who went out to work in the countryside.

Ways to use.

It becomes a fragrant decoction, infusion, essential oil and kitchen spice.

We breathe the vapors, when we have a stuffy nose and drink iced decoctions, which, despite being sweaty, cool us down.

In combination with lovage, honeysuckle, hibiscus and licorice it helps to eliminate retained fluids and diet.

We make compresses with a strong decoction to soothe sciatica, joint pain and rheumatism.

We gargle for diseases of the pharynx, nose or in a decoction, it soothes stomach aches, for coughs and in general 
for asthma and flu conditions and fights sugar. It also has heating properties and dissolves kidney stones.

Poultice. Put it in abscesses, bruises.

Fresh herb. Chewing the leaves acts as an antiemetic and is useful to get rid of the smell of garlic.

Rub leaves on insect bites to soften the itching as well as on the gums for bad breath.

It is used as a natural insect repellent and for this purpose we can drip a few drops of essential oil in its vaporizer.

The decoction together with grated ginger, helps with indigestion.


Do not use in large quantities and for long-term use.
It is forbidden for breastfeeding mothers because it creates a problem in milk production, it is not recommended for 
infants and for those who have ulcers and gastroesophageal reflux. It is also contraindicated in homeopathy because it works as an inhibitor.

How to make Tea with pennyroyal

- 2-3 grams (1 to 2 spoons) of pennyroyal.

- 200-300 dl of water

Boil the water and add the pennyroyal to it. Cook it for another 2 or 3 minutes. 
After that, we remove the bowl from the fire and let it stand for about 5 minutes.
We remove the pennyroyal then. 
Add a little honey and / or lemon if you want to improve its flavor.

To feel the effects of tea, you need to consume it on a daily basis.

Remember: Herbs are not a substitute for medicine. For their best and safe use it is better to consult your doctor.


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