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Titolo: Versus
Condizione: Nuovo
Autore: William Vallieres
Formato: Tascabile
ISBN-10: 155065537X
EAN: 9781550655377
ISBN: 9781550655377
Publisher: Vehicule Press
Genere: Poetry & Drama
Data di pubblicazione: 01/04/2020
Description: From Montreal's metro stations and streets to pastoral mise-en-scenes, William Vallieres' first book, Versus, is a lyric bildungsroman filled with portraits of seduction and infatuation, loneliness and buried shame. "What yesterday had fought to bud / Is stunted under ice today." These are darkly canny poems about childhood, familial histories, lost love and the weariness of spending one's "being being / Everything I'm against." Deftly crafted, intense and compact, with barbed insights arrived at through verbal twists and syntactic half-turns, Vallieres' voice is entirely his own.
Lingua: inglese
Numero di pagine: 72
Paese di origine: CA
Altezza: 190mm
Lunghezza: 5mm
Larghezza: 127mm
Peso: 83g
Title Format: Paperback
Anno di pubblicazione: 2020

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